The BIG 'introduce yourself' thread

I am Sunny that works for a web3 company, having some experience in programing language virtual machine and compiler tech, hope I could learn EVM from you and make contribution here.

Feel free to ping me, I am eager to learn and have discussion with you.
Thank you!

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Hey everyone, I am Kevin and I am a blockchain addict. I have been in website development for 20 years, Love all things dealing with code and started working with blockchain about one year ago, Main interests are in Web3 dev and contracts to include in php based games.

Thanks for having me and have a great day!


Hello fellow Ethereum Magicians! :mage:

My name is Callum.

Ethereum was the blockchain and community that attracted me to the crypto space.

Anything Ethereum-related on the internet I have found as an absolute gold mine of information and learning material for myself. There are so many exciting opportunities and applications in this space and I am super keen to get as involved as possible :computer:

I am most recently interested in blockchain gaming and have been spending most of my time trying to wrap my head around :sparkles: Dark Forest :sparkles:, Solidity, and MUD.

If you are reading this and have similar interests please reach out :slight_smile: :rhinoceros:

Hey all! I was a magician in a previous life, and I’d like to join this fellowship in this one. I spend my days managing a venture studio exploring the intersection of blockchain/ai/and other nascent tech, with the ultimate goal of finding the technological equivalent of the theory of everything. Excited to start contributing to ETH!

Hello my names David. How are you doin today sir? Im wanting to start a nonprofit myself but i dont know where to start? Also is it something i would want to do. Thanks

Hi everyone!

Sending Labs is a product studio building decentralized encrypted infrastructure for Web3 projects. Games, wallets and decentralized exchanges cooperate with Sending Labs to organize, manage, and grow their communities while maintaining ownership over user data. Sending Labs’ flagship product is SendingNetwork, a decentralized network of encrypted communications services that provide growth solutions for Web3 projects.

Leveragig Web2 growth hacking techniques combined with Web3 tokenomics, the SendingNetwork SDK incentivizes user-drinven marketing campaigns: the communication kit enables users to chat, trade, and socialize seamlessly within and across applications and platforms, while the acquisition kit supports viral user acquisition, and the engagement kit drives up the ARPU/LTV.

To find out more, please visit our website:

Hi everyone

I‘ve been a long-term member of the ethereum community for a couple of years already, mainly due to my interest in learning more about blockchains and the feature-rich ethereum ecosystem. Only recently, I started actively contributing to ethereum. I‘m mostly into security and efficiency considerations, prevention of fraud and illegal activities, and how to improve blockchain governance and core protocols.

Looking forward to working with you.


Hi Ethereum Magicians,

I’m Joshua Z Hernandez, currently embodying the 0xWizardof0z.eth avatar over at 0x0z.eth. I’m here fueled by a deep-seated goal to nurture token commerce, advancing the next frontier of monetization and safeguarding IP in the digital realm. We’re gearing up to propose our own EIP and ERCs, grounded in the innovative tools and tokenization factories we’ve been cultivating at 0x0z.eth.

Central to our endeavors is InfinityMint.eth, a nucleus for manifesting and monetizing products through NFTs, offering fine-tuned control over intellectual property in the digital space. It’s more than a tool; it’s a gateway to a Web3 reality where users can forge new and exhilarating connections. A pivotal element in this ecosystem is EADS.eth, pioneering decentralized advertising and sponsorship avenues, and steering the journey towards excellence.

Diving a bit into my background; I’ve been immersed in product development since the late '90s, spearheading six startups and fostering teams from their inception, while navigating a myriad of high-stake relationships. My early endeavors in multi-channel digital marketing led to a patented In-Game Advertising platform, transforming the mobile ad space by intertwining viral loops with gaming achievements and organic game design.

Discover more about our projects on our website and delve into our GitHub repository to see our contributions.

Excited to learn from this community and eager to collaborate in pushing the boundaries further in this vibrant space.

Joshua (0xWizardof0z.eth)

Hello everyone

I’m Sarat Angajala (I go by mugiwaraa.eth on some platforms). I’ve been a developer in the blockchain space for a while now. I’m mostly learning new things and experimenting by myself. I would love to socialize with other folks in this space and am looking forward to collaborating and contributing to improving the Ethereum ecosystem.

I’ve recently been exploring solutions to abstract blockchain’s complexity while preserving the core fundamentals of decentralization and ways to make MEV more accessible through intent-centric architecture.

My inbox is always open to blockchain-related discussions and am excited to contribute to this space.

Sarat Angajala(@mugiwaraa.eth)

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Hello Ethereum Magicians! :wave:

I’m Adam Boudjemaa, a blockchain enthusiast with a knack for smart contract development. I’ve enjoyed contributing to Ethereum ecosystem with standards like ERC-3643 & ERC-6960.

I’m all about making blockchain accessible and have been involved in some exciting projects that you can check out on my Twitter, LinkedIn, Blog, Personal Site, and GitHub.

I’m here to learn, share, and engage in meaningful discussions. Let’s connect and create something great!



Hi Ethereum Magicians!

I’m Kyle and I’m a software engineer and Ethereum afficionado. My main experience in the ecosystem is working for a NFT marketplace, in particular using web3/ethers for NFT listing/sales/bidding and SIWE for websites logins. I’m currently working on a project involving ERC-20 tokens.



Hello everyone!

I’m Shalom Mizrahi and I’m currently working on designing a proposal for inscriptions in smart contracts, and I welcome everyone to share and discuss!


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G’day … I specialise in IP/IT/ID law … pondering (along with colleagues from LexDAO guild of legal engineers, the intersection between smart contracts and the wet-ink type. Background in high performance computing so can grok the tech and munge the legislation.

I’ve particular interest in high level domain specific languages so I can do the legal equiv of #insert <escrow.lexon> into a paper contract and it just … works. Drop by LexDAO if you want discuss fun things like intersection of ontologies or a-legal international private law.

Hi, everyone! My name is Robbie and I’m part of the cycle ( omnichain Interoperability Infrastructure) team. I am glad to be here to discuss and exchange ideas with you.

I mainly study ZK, I hope to have the same interest in the partners to communicate with me.

Hi, I am Anurag,
I am currently studying Artificial intelligence and Machine learning,
After spending some time in web2 i am here to explore web3 and etherium.
Help me to get started.

Howdy everyone, I’m 0xTraub. I’m a solidity dev right now, with a background in Security. I wrote ERC-6506 and was a contributor on ERC-6551.

I’ve been in Crypto since 2018 but my background is in security, having written my masters thesis on security issues relating to bribes in DAO governance. While i primarily work on smart contracts in DeFi right now, i’m hoping to branch out to contributions in L1/Consensus. I see so many smart and driven people in this field and I just want to contribute to making ethereum and cryptocurrency as a whole better in any way I can, and figured a good way to accomplish that is by conquering my anxiety and posting on public message boards.

You can follow me on Twitter, Github, and LinkedIn

Hi Magicians!

My name is Alexey. I’m coming from FE background with approx 15 years of experience. Passionate about tooling and infra stuff. Love OSS. My journey with ethereum started quite a long time ago, but its been a bumpy ride.

I joined the forum to learn from the best and promote my ideas that I employ in my project (see ERC-7646).

I would love to contribute to this amazing vibrant community and get to know y’all better :v:.

Hello FEM :unicorn:

I just signed up for this place! I am coming from web3 marketing background. I was in the marketing team of WazirX (and Indian CEX) and have been in crypto full-time since 2020. Currently I am India Operations Lead for BitMart (a NY-based global CEX). And I am one of the Co-Founders of WalletX (the world’s first gasless wallet).

My motivation to join this place is to suggest and EIP that enables gasless transaction with the help of a P2P advertisement-layer on Ethereum. I believe this is now possible after ERC-4337 implementation. We have implemented a working MVP (in the form of WalletX) which is LIVE on Ethereum right now.

I hope to find people who would be interested in this and help me in authoring the EIP.

Nowadays, I am most active on Twitter and Telegram (same username @cryptorohittt)

Hello FEM :sparkles:

I’m Zoe,the editor of EIP Fun newsletter from LXDAO. It’s so happy to join the Magician Family!


I’m Stanislav Kozlovski. I’ve been a software engineer for quite a while, specializing in infrastructure work - particularly Apache Kafka (I’m a committer there). I run 2minutestreaming which is a newsletter about the streaming space (mostly focused on Apache Kafka) where each post is capped at a 2 minute read (476 words) - and I post technical content frequently on socials too

I am joining here because I’m interested in learning more about the protocol and posting about it. Any tips / resources would be greatly appreciated!