Council of Prague Agenda Topics

Following on from the volunteer call and an informal discussion with @fubuloubu, I’m gathering some proposed ideas for agenda items. A more formal request for ideas will also follow once we have the final list of registrants. Note - we are also still open to running another “unconference” style agenda. Please add thoughts on this approach if you think this would be a better use of the time in Prague.

I’ve also added edits to the agenda wiki on Github but wanted to also have a space for more discussion/dialogue on what people want to cover.

As a refresher from Boris’ original post, here are the important links for Council of Prague:

Sunday 28 October

  • Status Hackathon with overlap for EIP and FEM related technical work
  • Proposed FEM member discussion on EIP0 and governance structure for project management of EIP process - see current thread
    #EIP0: Ethereum "Project Management" Governance

Monday 29 October

  • Review FEM Core Values/Mission with all attendees
  • Lightning Talks: Similar framework as Council of Berlin, 10 - 15 min presentations on related technical topics
  • FEM Event Schedule: Planning for future FEM in person or virtual meetings and how to distribute them across geographies for equitable magician attendance
  • Ring formation and breakout sessions: Established rings and proposed rings can meet to discuss and work on current EIPs. Goal will be prioritization and coordination around each rings focus EIPs as well as planned next steps. This would NOT encompass any planned presentation or “findings” post breakout session. @ChainSafe has already started a great document for ring formation and attendance. Please fill in details for any rings that have currently formed and need to be formed and if you would like to be a part of these rings: Pre Council Call For Rings

Feedback is much appreciated and requested!


Thanks @aogunwole – this is a great start, thank you!

We need to sync with the Status folks on a plan for the 28th. The hackathon will be wrapping up and presenting, so other than watching the final presentations, meeting people and melding into the after party, I don’t know that we’ll have much in the way of formal meeting time.

And get a space plan! I am assuming this time we have one big main area, and then at least two other side spaces.

Also: use whatever works best for you! HackMD is more fluid for editing, a spreadsheet is going to be easiest to actually build the grid, and so on.

And: next volunteer meeting – why don’t we talk about this live ! I’ve kept the Volunteer Notes link the same:

Google Meet, making it for Thursday as I have a conflict tomorrow, and then will plan out the following meetings for the rest of our time, I think.

I’ll post this in the #fellowship-gatherings:council-volunteers as a separate item too.

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The 12th of september is wednesday, not thurs? thursday is 13th

i even made sure that i wasnt being stupid

Haha. Sorry! Thursday morning!

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I’m trying to join this call but can’t for some reason. Is there a phone number to dial in?

oh no! Sorry @aogunwole – I’ll stay on the line here working – try again? Sometimes I need to press a button to “let people in” which isn’t ideal.

@aogunwole as far as I can tell, I think the Call for Rings is essentially our “agenda” scratch pad document.

Maybe easiest to continue the momentum and use that as the singular place to promote, and use this space for meta discussion.

I edited the top lightly to point people in good directions.


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Makes sense @boris. I’ll also put together a time line spreadsheet for the actual logistics of the agenda

I felt this might be the best place for continuation of said “meta-discussion”–

@tomislavmamic and I had a great little call yesterday, where we caught up regarding our experience and expectations. We agreed that a great next step might be getting the “Ring Wranglers” @ChainSafe @noot and any of the leads on existing Rings who seem to have a strong vision for what these sessions might look like, structurally and in terms of outcomes, onto a call.

Maybe after the coming week’s volunteer call, we can have a quick followup with a handful of inspired parties to better flesh out what sorts of resources we can put into place for the beginnings of Meta-Magical organization (as per @boris highlighting W3C structure here Taking inspiration from W3C)

Rather than attempting to “reign in” or proscribe what these sessions look like, I see this as an opportunity to prepare some basic templating and resources for those who might have a strong idea of what they want to talk about, but have no idea how to go about having a productive working session on that.

Essentially by seeing who’s excited to have this convo, and what their expectations might be, we can start to flesh out some core tools here. @boris if you think it will fit into the main volunteers call we can indeed shoehorn, I just thought it might be good as a “breakout group” so to speak. Thoughts welcome!


@chisel Love love love this approach and the updates on the outcomes and topics added to the HackMD! I just updated the one for the education ring to make it more clear for the structure of the ring and what we plan to discuss for Council of Prague.

I completely agree, having a call with the ring leaders would be fantastic (if we can pull it off) to help set how these sessions can be run and what resources are needed. We should also start thinking of what form these end results can take as well i.e. after the Council of Berlin, most of the end results were notes in the Discourse Forum and some Github updates. Will this be what the ring leaders want from these discussions? Is there anything else/anywhere else people may want to share these follow ups? Does it need to be created? I have no answers for any of this but thought it might be interesting to address on the call with Ring Leaders

@aogunwole after taking over the absolute madness that is devcon-scholarship-logistics, my available time this week got flattened down significantly - apologies for dropping the thread. i’m thinking since this is a pretty complex decision we face – “what do ring processes/outcomes look like?” “what do we want for follow ups?” we should indeed set up a dedicated call for interested Ringleaders, myself and @tomislavmamic, and of course you, @boris and other key Magicians if you’re available to join. I’ve added it to tomorrow’s meeting agenda-- I can do a quick summary of the intentions of said call, we can see who’s interested, and I can follow up with those who expressed interest to schedule it.


It would make sense for us to have a call with just couple of ring leaders. What we want to create is a list of potential outputs and outcomes which they can then pull from, adjust to their rings and use as a starting ground for their gatherings. For this we don’t need many ring leaders right now.

It was my impression from Berlin Council that not having some commonly understood predefined outcomes and outputs increases the variance of the whole discussion and makes little progress in any goal other than learning. I think some rings might want to progress beyond learning and start moving forward some structured initiatives.
For the format, we could have it as templates on Github/GoogleDocs for them to use.


Here is an early draft for Ring definitions/outcomes/outputs.

Please contribute!
@chisel @boris @AdeolaOST


This is a magnificent starting point @tomislavmamic, thanks! I have a deadline I’ve been working towards which ends in about 7 hours, then I’ll have some time to roll up my sleeves Magicians style :slight_smile: I’m thinking the next step on my end, besides polling for availability for the call, will be fleshing out the points you’ve highlighted here with more human-readable questions for the Ring Leaders to refer to in template format. I’ve got a great foundation to build on thanks to your work here!

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Hey @chisel, how about next Thursday or Friday for a call with ring leaders?

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Oh boy oh boy Discourse notifications just don’t work for me at all @tomislavmamic, apologies.

I’m seeing Boris tomorrow in person and will note down who he thinks we should invite to this. Then I’ll create a doodle poll for what call timing works for people. If weekend isn’t too unpalatable for everyone, I’m pretty slammed through my working days until I fly out next week, but I’ll make whatever’s needed work.

I can do weekend, let’s do it. :slight_smile:

Hello, @aogunwole

Is this Agenda up to date? Looks like there will be an Architects Gathering even a small one. So is there any schedule to place it in or everything is ad-hoc & flexible?

Another question: will be any FEM actions after 29.10?

@Ethernian can you please edit the call for Rings to be 15 or similar? The 13a stuff is confusing. Yes we can put it into the schedule.

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I have changed the number to 15 as you requested.
@apitkevich, who is the biggest drivers behind Ring of EAs is arriving to Prague on 29.10. It would be great to schedule the Meeting for Ring of EAs to 30.11 if there are any possibility at all. Otherwise it should be the latest time frame possible on 29.10.2018.

Thank you!