Really excited and inspired to see this emerge. And I need this in so many projects I am involved in!
One thought I have is the use of the terms Self Organization and Decentralized. I see why it is important to call out the key principles/methods of this initiative w/ the acronym SODC. But as this initiative starts to form an enduring Ring, perhaps the name of the Ring should only reflect the most essential part of the problem domain that is being addressed. Perhaps then: “Development Cycles Ring”.
Using a short name for the Ring makes it a lot easier to refer to, and makes it more accessible to newfolk. The Self Organized Development Cycles acronym and other terminologies can be used in the writing once the reader understands the bigger picture.
As people get drawn in, they’ll begin to pick up on the principles and methods… and if they’re in Ethereum they’ll probably already have a lot of that baked-in!