Ways of Self Organization in Decentralized Development Cycles

One startup founder put it well: “Every decision someone has to make is the lack of a guiding principle”

Setting the right principles from the outset will help get a lot more done. The list above is a great start.

I think ‘contributer’ could include everyone relevant in this context.

For clarity, what do you think of prioritising either users or contributors so when a decision that may affect both stakeholders comes along, the principle makes it an easy choice?

Really excited and inspired to see this emerge. And I need this in so many projects I am involved in!

One thought I have is the use of the terms Self Organization and Decentralized. I see why it is important to call out the key principles/methods of this initiative w/ the acronym SODC. But as this initiative starts to form an enduring Ring, perhaps the name of the Ring should only reflect the most essential part of the problem domain that is being addressed. Perhaps then: “Development Cycles Ring”.

Using a short name for the Ring makes it a lot easier to refer to, and makes it more accessible to newfolk. The Self Organized Development Cycles acronym and other terminologies can be used in the writing once the reader understands the bigger picture.

As people get drawn in, they’ll begin to pick up on the principles and methods… and if they’re in Ethereum they’ll probably already have a lot of that baked-in!


Great name for the ring! It is very important not to scare people away with unnecessary jargon. Thanks for the feedback. I will change the name of the post to reflect the ring name once everyone agrees!

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Great start and love the points on autonomy. I’ll take stab at shortening the manifesto.

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Great idea.

Throwing out some more possibilities:

  • Decentralized Development Ring (DDR ha!)
  • Ethereum Agile Ring (EAR heh)
  • Autonomous Development Ceremonies
  • Decentralized Agile Ring

@ChainSafe - I’ll setup a weekly call and let anyone join. What’s the best way to get everyone’s email?


I’ve been thinking on how to leverage something like rocket chat

Thanks for the feedback @cosmosys!

Reading through this I have a question, what is the base type of workflow we are trying to address? Is a team being decentralized a necessity? Is agile, autonomous or distributed teams also a factor? I think @jpitts suggestion for calling the ring “Development Cycles Ring” does a great job of addressing the fundamental unifying characteristic between all decentralized, distributed, autonomous or agile teams which is the development cycle itself. SODC does not necessarily need to define this ring and I foresee many manifestos and educational materials being created for different types of teams.

A weekly call would be amazing! Instead of rocketchat could we use riot.im? It’s basically like gitter so conversations can be open to the public. Though I really like using the FEM discourse so people not fully active in the ring can still participate. We could also have a live streamed zoom call that we coordinate here or even create a github org so all our info can be public and forkable/maintainable by anyone.


Reading through this I have a question, what is the base type of workflow we are trying to address? Is a team being decentralized a necessity? Is agile, autonomous or distributed teams also a factor? I think @jpitts suggestion for calling the ring “Development Cycles Ring” does a great job of addressing the fundamental unifying characteristic between all decentralized, distributed, autonomous or agile teams which is the development cycle itself. SODC does not necessarily need to define this ring and I foresee many manifestos and educational materials being created for different types of teams.

Good question. In my opinion it is about synchronization and knowledge sharing of any type of Ethereum development wether it be agile, scrum, waterfall, distributed, etc.

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Do you think a development cycle could represent the base primitive for synchronization and knowledge sharing?

BlockquoteDo you think a development cycle could represent the base primitive for synchronization and knowledge sharing?’

I think it is the other way around… What do other think?

Lets have the call this upcoming wednesday / thursday / friday? Here are some timezones…


Can I suggest 21st November (wed):

8pm Berlin / 2pm New York / 12pm Denver / 11am SF / 6am Sydney

That would be awesome :slight_smile:

Thursday and Friday work at the suggested time, but for Wednesday I am only available an hour earlier or after the suggsted time.

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Also just found this by @karalabe https://github.com/karalabe/eee/blob/master/README.md

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What about @cosmosys @tschubotz @Ethernian @Annavladi @cleanunicorn @jpitts


How long will this be? 1 hour long?

@cleanunicorn Yes, one hour usually does the trick

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I am on vacation starting Wednesday 21st and will not be back till 27th, Its a holiday week here in US, any way we can move this to next week please:)

very good points. however lets not get into American mentality of celebrating participation; we should celebrate achievement and success, so where you say milestones should be celebrated wheather milestone was accomplished or not; I think it needs to be re-worked. If you want progress, you have to have achievement, otherwise you are in a loop.

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Have fun on your vacation :wink: We will be having a call this week but I forsee further calls in taking place! Notes will be taken of course.

Here is the agenda with the dates of the meeting (22nd Nov. Thursday, 6pm Toronto/NYC, 3pm SF/LA, midnight Berlin/CEST)

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