Token Ring Meetup: ETHBerlin

Hey Token Magicians,

We are organising a Token Ring Meetup around the time of ETHBerlin.

Here are the event details and location:

Time: Sun, September 9, 2018 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM CEST
Location: Bar Hopfenreich Sorauer Str. 31 10997 Berlin Germany

Please post your name if you can attend and any agenda items you wish to propose. Hope to see you there and have a productive discussion on the future of Token Standards.


  • Remco Bloemen (0x Project) @recmo
  • Jacob Evans (0x Project) @dekz


  • TBD
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My name is ligi and I would love to talk about token deprecation and updates. This is a common problem I see as a maintainer of ethereum-lists/tokens - would be super nice to have a way to have a token-contract interface to deprecate tokens and link to the newly deployed ones. Something like this - but on-chain as part of the token contract.


Hey - is this meetup still happening? If so I will be a bit late unfortunately - will have to demo 13:20

@dekz Hey Jacob. I missed it. If you had it, it would be nice if you share the discussion/output here!

Will do, apologies for the delay. We attempted to video record but the Go Pro ran out of battery! I do have audio which I will transcribe and post shortly.

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