Token Implementation

Hello Folks - Just on the Journey of Token Implementation and thought I would ask for Opinions to some design decisions.

  1. Do most brutish raw implementation of ERC20 in vyper to skip on most all checks.
  2. Allow ZERO_ADDRESS transfers - burn and minting would use the tokens contract address instead.
  3. Default to approve X for one transaction.
  4. Donot set approvals back to 0 again instead use int128 and set it to -1 - so the space will not become freed. Update -> this is nonsense xD, because free will also return gas, and is overall more gas efficient

Point 3 probably needs some further explaination and is also the part with highest level of uncertainty.

From my perspective there are 3 different ways how to approve.

  1. give Full Approval and done until revoked
  2. give Approval for a max of X tokens to be spend for 1 transaction
  3. increase or decrease the Approved amount of tokens to be spent

The thing is for nr. 2 that as soon as you have approved for 1 transaction…

  • …you actually expect that it definately will be used
  • …it would reset any left amount to -1. -> Update: reseting to 0 is better
  • …well, is debatable if it is more desirable not reset the left amount to -1 afterwards^^ -> Update: reseting to 0 is better

To me it appears that the default thought behaviour is that nr. 2 without the limitation of only one transaction.
When does the case ever occur where it is necessary to grant a spending limit over multiple transactions?
Isn’t better then to use the increase, decrease allowance mechanics for this case instead?

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So in the meantime everything has changed due to the update that setting allowances to -1 is not really useful and also the transferFrom function which always resets to 0 is not as gas-efficient as the version of just subtracting the used amount.

So now it mainly boils down to:

  1. absolute raw brutishness of implementation
  2. Allow ZERO_ADDRESS transfers - as burn and minting address will be the token contract itself.

Here is the implementation - is this implementation acceptable? XD

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