Testnet name needed for Sepolia replacement

Testnet name needed

A name is needed for the planned Sepolia replacement: Expected to launch in March 2026

  • Holešky: Validators and Staking providers (Expected end of life 30th September, 2025). Client developers will also use Holesky to test gas limit increases and other protocol stress tests.
  • Sepolia: Application and tooling devs (Expected end of life 30th September, 2026)
  • Hoodi: Validators and Staking providers (Expected end of life 30th September, 2028)
  • Planned Sepolia replacement: Expected launch date of March 2026

From: Holesky and Hoodi Testnet Updates | Ethereum Foundation Blog

Past testnet names

Testnet Lore Pronunciation Mascot
Hoodi Metro station in Bengaluru, India ಹೂಡಿ (hoo-dee) Peacock in a hoodie
Sepolia Neighborhood in Athens, Greece, known for its industrial and cultural history. suh-POH-lee-uh Dolphin
Görli (Goerli) Görlitzer Bahnhof train station in Berlin, Germany GUR-lee
Holešky Nádraží Holešovice train station in Prague, Czech Republic HOH-lesh-kee
Ropsten Subway station in Stockholm, Sweden ROPE-sten
Rinkeby Subway station in Stockholm, Sweden RIN-keh-bee
Kovan Singapore MRT station KOH-vuhn
Morden London Underground station MOR-den
Olympic Competitive spirit of the Olympics, launched pre-mainnet in 2015. oh-LIM-pik

Corrections/updates appreciated


Testnet Lore Pronunciation Mascot
Vyšehrad Metro station in Prague, Czech Republic, stop for Devcon 4 :european_castle: Castle
Osmanbey Metro station in Istanbul, Turkey, right next to Devconnect
Itsaraphap Metro station in Bangkok, Thailand. Devcon SEA was hosted in Bangkok. Itsaraphap means “independence” or “freedom” in Thai It-sa-ra-phāp :swan: Swan

Add your suggestion (this is a wikipost).
Once we have enough suggestions will add a poll for signaling.

Suggesting “Osmanbey”, metro station in Istanbul right next to where Devconnect took place :slight_smile:

Following the convention of naming metro stations. Easy to read an recognizible.

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Polyanka - metro station in Moscow

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Kabaty - metro station in Warsaw

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Metro station in Thailand,
Itsaraphap means “independence” or “freedom” in Thai



Astoria - Metro station in Budapest.