SHADOW: A Scheme-Handler Discovery Option for Wallets

This proposal (affectionately known as SHADOW) is an alternative to EIP-1193 for wallet discovery in web browsers that requires no special permissions. Web pages intending to open a connection to a wallet inject an iframe tag pointing at a well-known scheme. Communication between the page and the wallet uses the postMessage API.


The proposal pull request: Add EIP: Scheme-Handler Discovery Option for Wallets by SamWilsn · Pull Request #7039 · ethereum/EIPs · GitHub

Some WebExtensions to show a proof of concept: GitHub - SamWilsn/wallet-demo

These show an extension replying to a postMessage using an iframe and protocol handler in both Chrome and Firefox.

Could be useful for future standards: Local Peer-to-Peer API

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Was there any issues in your PoC regarding connectivity?

This proposal (SHADOW) doesn’t rely on any networking, but still requires the wallet to register a scheme handler. That’s annoying for mobile/hardware wallets.

With WebRTC (or possibly this local peer-to-peer API), you get better options.