Update by @bbusa (from Eth R&D Discord)
- Plan to shut down this wednesday unless there are objections
- Mekong public testnet is live. This is where we are running the latest devnet 4 spec releases.
- Ideally client teams should have a somewhat stable release for mekong by the end of the week.
- If you pushing devnet 5 changes to your latest master branches please make a release before you do that, so public can start testing with that release.
- Release tracker:
- Teku: 24.10.3
- Besu: needs to revert one change, then release
- No other client updates. Please comment to this announcements if you have updates, and I can update this list.
- Update 7702 tests.
- Shut down last week.
- Devnet 4 is going to be based on top of pectra-devnet-5 spec. This version will require fork activation at fulu and to be built on top of pectra. Ideally around end of Nov.
- First EOF devnet plan to be launched after pectra-devnet-5 is stable. Ideally end of Nov. This will be based on top of pectra and fork activation with OsakaTime.
- Evmmax testing discussion.
Next testing call is 21st of Nov , in place of ACD call. After that we will have the calls at the usual time on Mondays.