Update by @parithosh (from Eth R&D Discord)
status as well as a question about if the blockhash opcode was being tested.- ethPandaOps is going to write up some local consolidation tests with kurtosis, they should be merged in this week and can help test the latest spec release and devnet-2 bug
- Erigon gave an update on potential reasons for missed proposals with teku. We will try a resync and increasing memory limits, the Erigon team will look into improving performance at the tip of the chain
- Prysm team gave us an update on their blob issue, post resync the prysm nodes are now working
Additional info
- Weekly testing calls won’t be streamed/recorded
supports EIP7702: feat(cast): `cast wallet sign-auth` + `cast send --auth` by klkvr · Pull Request #8683 · foundry-rs/foundry · GitHub