Motion to NOT include ProgPow without audit

I guess most of us would like to avoid to trade our ship’s :ship: diesel engine for that experimental new different technology diesel engine or maybe even warp drive w/o having a clear understanding of the risks associated with that.

This change might have a broad effect in multiple dimensions and various groups have various incentives to either oppose or favour it. That’s to some extend also the problem and should be carried to a different battlefield (“political discussion”). I see people criticising every aspect of the ProgPoW discussion(s) for various reasons and hidden agendas, even the scoping gets its fair share of critics but unfortunately only the minority appears to be contributing or even working on an objective solution, still everyone would like to have one.

If it is likely that ProgPoW happens for whatever reason that might be we should make sure to fully understand the risks, be prepared and treat them appropriately (this includes potentially agreeing on accepting risks if the community wishes to do so - given it permits others to reduce their own risk e.g. by withdrawing their stake from the system). Accepting risks w/o knowing them feels like a bold move - not sure if that would be seen as a trust building exercise. Not doing security due diligence is negligent as summarized by @tvanepps:

Funding: The problem with peer-to-peer relationships appears to be that responsibility (e.g. in preserving the future of the ethereum ecosystem) is distributed across so many people that in the end nobody feels responsible - most people waiting for the others to make a move. It is even kicking off “why should I/groupX fund this” discussion ignoring the fact that we are in this all together. I wonder if this will work out in the end.

Since we’re already discussing security here I’d like to remind people that @boris set up a security discussion slot at the Istanbul & ETH1x Roadmap Planning Meeting - April 17th & 18th in Berlin. Participate, criticise AND contribute/discuss potential solutions.