Lockable NFTs Extension

Author Fil Makarov
Repo Link Github
Status Draft
Created 2022-02-04

Lockable NFTs

Extension to the ERC721 standard, that introduces lockable NFTs. The locked asset can be used in any way except selling/transferring it.


NFTs took the world by storm. It’s probably because non-fungibility as a concept is much easier to intuitively understand, than fungibility, as our world is mostly non-fungible.

With NFTs, digital objects become digital goods. Verifiably ownable, easily tradable, immutably stored on the blockchain. However, the usability of NFT presently is quite limited. Existing use cases often have poor UX as they are inherited from ERC20 (fungible tokens) world.

In DeFi you mostly deal with ERC20 tokens. There is a UX pattern when you lock your tokens on a service smart contract. For example, if you want to borrow some $DAI, you have to provide some $ETH as collateral for a loan. During the loan period, $ETH is locked into the lending service contract. And it’s ok for $ETH and other fungible tokens.

It’s different for NFTs. NFTs have plenty of use cases, that require for the NFT to stay on the holder’s wallet even when it is used as collateral for a loan. You may want to keep using your NFT as a verified PFP on Twitter. You may want to use it to authorize on Discord server through Collab.land. You may want to use your NFT in a P2E game. And you should be able to do all of this even during the lending period like you are able to live in your house even it is mortgaged.


The initial idea was to just make NFTs that will feature better UX used as collateral. But then it became obvious, that one single locking feature allows for plenty of other use cases, such as lending/borrowing NFT without a need for collateral, paying for NFT by installments, safe and convenient usage with hot wallets, non-custodial staking and much more. Every use case can (and some of them are already) be implemented one at a time. Our aim however was to come up with a standardized implementation.

This approach proposes a solution that is designed to be as minimal as possible. At the same time, it is a generalized implementation, that allows for a lot of extensibility and potential use cases. It only allows to lock the item (stating who will be able to unlock it) and unlock it when needed.


Here are the functions that allow locking.

    mapping(uint256 => address) internal unlockers
    function getLocked(uint256 tokenId) public virtual view returns (address)
    function _lock(address unlocker, uint256 id) internal virtual
    function _unlock(uint256 id) internal virtual
    function lock(address unlocker, uint256 id) public
    function unlock(uint256 id) public

unlockers mapping serves to store the unlocker’s addresses for the locked tokens. When there is zero address as value for the given key (tokenId), that means this token is not locked.
unlockers function returns the unlocker for this tokenId
Both _lock and _unlock internal functions, which are implemented in the standard ERC721s.sol itself, do not perform any check on who can actually lock and unlock. They just do the job required.

Public lock function allows locking by the holder and approved parties. Initially, it was supposed, that some projects can limit it to only holder, so the public function for the locking was not included in the standard itself. It turned out, that in most cases, using this contract with marketplaces requires for a standardized public interface for locking and also requires for the locking to be available for approved parties. So the implementation has been included in the contract.

The public unlock implementation provided allows for unlocking only by the unlocker stated in the getLocked mapping.

Also, the locking extension overrides hooks and function from ERC721 to ensure locking safety.
All the locks are removed when the token is being transferred.

Rationale (Usecases)

  • NFT-collateralised loans Use your NFT as collateral for a loan without locking it on the lending protocol contract. Lock it on your wallet instead and continue enjoying all the utility of your NFT.
  • No collateral rentals of NFTs Borrow NFT for a fee, without a need for huge collateral. You can use NFT, but not transfer it, so the lender is safe. The borrowing service contract automatically transfers NFT back to the lender as soon as the borrowing period expires.
  • Primary sales Mint NFT for only the part of the price and pay the rest when you are satisfied with how the collection evolves.
  • Secondary sales Buy and sell your NFT by installments. Buyer gets locked NFT and immediately starts using it. At the same time he/she is not able to sell the NFT until all the installments are paid. If full payment is not received, NFT goes back to the seller together with a fee.
  • S is for Safety Use your exclusive blue chip NFTs safely and conveniently. The most convenient way to use NFT is together with MetaMask. However, MetaMask is vulnerable to various bugs and attacks. With Lockable extension you can lock your NFT and declare your safe cold wallet as an unlocker. Thus, you can still keep your NFT on MetaMask and use it conveniently. Even if a hacker gets access to your MetaMask, they won’t be able to transfer your NFT without access to the cold wallet. That’s what makes Lockable NFTs safe. This use case is also described by OwlOfMoistness.
  • Metaverse ready Locking NFT tickets can be useful during huge Metaverse events. That will prevent users, who already logged in with an NFT, from selling it or transferring it to another user. Thus we avoid double usage of one ticket.
  • Non-custodial staking Using locking of NFTs for the staking protocols that do not transfer your NFT from your wallet to the staking contract is thoroughly described here and here. However, my approach to this is a little bit different. I think staking should be done in one place only like you can not deposit money in two bank accounts simultaneously. Another approach to the same concept is using locking to provide proof of HODL. You can lock your NFTs from selling as a manifestation of loyalty to the community and start earning rewards for that. It is better version of the rewards mechanism, that was originally introduced by The Hashmasks and their $NCT token.
  • Safe and convenient co-ownership and co-usage Extension of safe co-ownership and co-usage. For example, you want to purchase an expensive NFT asset together with friends, but it is not handy to use it with multisig, so you can safely rotate and use it between wallets. The NFT will be stored on one of the co-owners’ wallet and he will be able to use it in any way (except transfers) without requiring multi-approval. Transfers will require multi-approval.

I’m sure that there will be more of use cases introduced as soon as the community starts to explore Lockable NFTs.

Backwards Compatibility

A great number of legacy collections have been launched before Lockable extension. So, there is obviously a need for a backward compatibility solution to allow holders of existing blue-chip collections to enjoy services based on Lockable locking feature. Our approach is that such a solution should be based on the concept of Wrapping. Blue-chip collection admins set up a wrapping contract (that aside from locking can implement permits for gasless listings or on-chain royalties) and manage it, so the source of trust for holders does not change.

Reference Implementation

Github repo

Any implementation of the original ERC721 standard can be used with Lockable extension. In this repo there are three extension implementations: for the standard ERC721 by OpenZeppelin, for the ERC721A by Chiru Labs, and for ERC721S, that is my own custom ERC721 implementaation.

ERC721SLockablePermittable.sol and ERC721OZLockablePermittable.sol are the extended implementations that feature EIP26212-like signature verification for the “approval” and “approval for all” procedures. The usage of EIP26212-like permits allows for better UX when used with actual service contracts and is highly recommended.

mocks folder contain the mock implementations of the Lockable NFT smart contracts for different ERC721 implementations. Used for tests and can be used as reference.

MockLockerContract.sol contains reference implementation of different flows to lock and unlock NFTs by the service smart-contracts, like Rentals service smart-contract.

Security Considerations

As soon as the standard only introduces locking, there are a few things to be considered security-wise. One of them is to always consider if there’s a required unlocking function in the contract, that is suggested to be stated as unlocker. Otherwise affected NFT can stay locked from transfers forever.

Another issue, that is common to all the implementation of locked NFTs concept is that despite the locked NFTs can not be transferred, nothing prevents a holder from listing it on OpenSea or another marketplace. That can cause bad UX when the NFT is listed, but it is not possible to actually buy it, as NFT is locked from being transferred. That however can be solved in two ways:

  1. Before marketplaces adopt locked NFTs standard, every project can just update metadata and/or media depending on whether is the token locked or not.
  2. Later on, when there will be many projects implementing Lockable NFTs, it will be easy for marketplaces to check if the token is locked or not by just calling the public getLocked function. If the token is locked, the “Purchase” button can be deactivated and/or the Lock icon can be shown next to such an asset.

In the service smart-contracts, that works with Lockable NFTs, transferFrom should always be used instead of safeTransferFrom to avoid reentrancy attacks.

Extended implementations can have their own security considerations. For example, Permittable implementations provided in this repo, feature EIP2612-like permit-based locking functionality. So it inherits all the security considerations from EIP-2612.

Other implementations of lockable NFTs

ERC721LockRegistry Contract by OwlOfMoistness

ERC721LockRegistry allows contracts that implement the ILock interface to lock/unlock assets in place to enable/disable them from being transferred. This implementation allows multiple locks being put on the same asset, so the very same NFT can be used in multiple services simultaneously still living on a holder’s wallet.

ERC-721 NES by SamuRise

ERC-721 NES by SamuRise NFT collection team.
NES stands for Non Escrow Staking. It is a novel implementation of a staking model that does not require the owner of a token to lock it into an escrow contract. ERC-721 NES provides an interface to staking protocols.

Loanable NFTs by Mattdf

Loanable NFTs repo contains an extension to the ERC721 token standard that allows the deployment of NFTs that users can loan out risk-free in exchange for an up-front premium. It uses the idea of locking an NFT during the loan period.


That is a Great Idea!

I implemented something similar for Mobland at in-game-assets/SuperpowerNFTBase.sol at main · superpowerlabs/in-game-assets · GitHub
Originally I used the words stake, unstake, etc. in the contracts at https://github.com/ndujaLabs/everdragons2-core/blob/main/contracts/Everdragons2GenesisV2.sol#L108 but I think that your proposal of using the work lock as a base makes much more sense and I renamed functions and variables.

My implementation assumes that you can authorize many lockers and anytime a token is locked all the approval/transfer functions are affected. We are going to audit it soon.

The repo is at

SKALE implements non-escrow staking for SKL tokens (not NFTS)

Instead of locking one can implement delegation to a delegation accepting contract, where a delegated NFT is not movable unless undelegated. Undelegation can require approval of the delegation accepting contract.

Couple non-editing related comments:

  • Maybe rename getLocked to unlockerOf to match the naming convention of EIP-721 functions?
  • Why does getLocked return address(0) instead of reverting? Not sure if one is better than the other, I’m just curious.

The user MAY permanently lock the token by calling lock(address(1), tokenId).

Is address(1) special in some way, or is this just an example? Say I were to happen upon a private key for address(1), would I be able to unlock these tokens? I think this deserves some clarification in the EIP.

except transaction has been initiated by an unlocker

Does “initiated” in this context mean tx.origin or msg.sender? That should be clearly specified in the EIP.

We’re trying a new process where we get a volunteer peer reviewer to read through your proposal and post any feedback here. Your peer reviewer is @gaurangtorvekar!

If any of this EIP’s authors would like to participate in the volunteer peer review process, shoot me a message!

@gaurangtorvekar please take a look through EIP-5753 and comment here with any feedback or questions. Thanks!

1 Like

Thanks @SamWilsn here’s my feedback -

First of all, this is a great idea and can have a lot of good use cases, as mentioned in the “Motivation” section! Here are a few suggestions to further improve this EIP -

Firstly, there are a few typos in the ‘Motivation’ section, such as ‘youhavetoprovidesome’ and others.
Secondly, the reference implementation needs some work. For example -

  1. The internal functions _lock and _unlock are never used.
  2. The function type in the interface is external, while in the implementation, it is public virtual
  3. interfaceId == type(IERC721Lockable).interfaceId throws an error because the name of the interface is ILockable.
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I think this is a very useful extension, the only drawback I see is that you need to know upfront if you want your contract to be lockable.
Some findings:
lock and unlock don’t actually call the internal functions, it seems this implementation is not tested which is a shame. You can add the implementation and tests under assets. I can give you a hand if needed @filmakarov

First of all, this is a great idea and kudos for the proposal! I honestly believe more and more use cases could be unlocked by delegating transfer rights to other addresses, not just owner or approved addresses. IMO what you already mentioned in the Rationale section is more than enough though.

I want to take this opportunity to open a discussion about locking transfer rights vs tokenizing them.

In the context of this EIP, the main difference is the transferability of the “unlocking” right itself. I implemented a naive POC of an NFT that can tokenize its transfer rights. These tokenized transfer rights could be used as collateral in lending / renting protocols, stored in a cold wallet while having original NFTs in a hot wallet for convenience purposes, etc. The main advantage I see here is that current DeFi protocol don’t have to implement another EIP, they will simply work with existing standard (the tokenized transfer right is ERC721 token itself).

What are your thoughts? Did you consider tokenizing the transfer rights instead of locking them?

Btw to reference the backward compatibility, PWN is building an extension to the Gnosis Safe, that enables safe owner to tokenize transfer rights of assets held by the safe. You can check out a blog post about it here and a talk from Devcon VI about the same topic here.

Our implementation of the lockable is a bit more complex because working with the contracts in the game we realized that many more functions are needed and it is better if they are standardized. This is our interface, for reference

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

// Author:
// Francesco Sullo <francesco@sullo.co>

// ERC165 interface id is 0xd8e4c296
interface IERC721Lockable {
  event LockerSet(address locker);
  event LockerRemoved(address locker);
  event ForcefullyUnlocked(uint256 tokenId);
  event Locked(uint256 tokendId);
  event Unlocked(uint256 tokendId);

  // tells if a token is locked
  function isLocked(uint256 tokenID) external view returns (bool);

  // tells the address of the contract which is locking a token
  function lockerOf(uint256 tokenID) external view returns (address);

  // tells if a contract is a locker
  function isLocker(address _locker) external view returns (bool);

  // set a locker, if the actor that is locking it is a contract, it
  // should be approved
  // It should emit a LockerSet event
  function setLocker(address pool) external;

  // remove a locker
  // It should emit a LockerRemoved event
  function removeLocker(address pool) external;

  // tells if an NFT has any locks on it
  // The function is called internally and externally
  function hasLocks(address owner) external view returns (bool);

  // locks an NFT
  // It should emit a Locked event
  function lock(uint256 tokenID) external;

  // unlocks an NFT
  // It should emit a Unlocked event
  function unlock(uint256 tokenID) external;

  // unlock an NFT if the locker is removed
  // This is an emergency function called by the token owner or a DAO
  // It should emit a ForcefullyUnlocked event
  function unlockIfRemovedLocker(uint256 tokenID) external;

It is already in production and will be audited soon.
Any feedback is very appreciated.

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I see many potential uses cases for an extension like this! A few comments:

  • Don’t forget events. Lock and Unlock events logging the unlocker address and token ID would be useful.
  • There is behavior in the reference implementation that’s not fully documented in the spec, like reverting on transfers and approvals, queries for nonexistent locks, and attempting to lock an already-locked token.
  • The reference implementation defines an ERC-165 interface (as do other 721 extensions), which should probably be part of the spec.

Hi authors, thank you for your proposal.

Apparently, locking an NFT is an important use-case. It turns out it’s interesting enough that there are 3 related / competing ERCs!

We at #allercdevs is a community for bringing ERC Authors Builders to advocate for adoption and/or solicit technical feedback. We meetup bi-weekly and the timezone rotates between Thursday UTC1500 and Tuesday UTC2300, such as

I wonder if we have a session to discuss lockable NFTs would you be interested in joining the discussion?

Email me if you are interested zzn+allercdevs@zzn.im