License Zero // Mapping Open Business Models

License Zero is an attempt to create some new “open source” licenses that have more direct business models built in. In this post, Kyle does an extensive mapping of open business models that should be required reading.

I was lucky enough to catch up with Kyle in person here in Oakland the other day. All of his stuff is recommended reading on the business of open source and how different licensing approaches fit into that. See for his latest posts.

Putting in uncategorized for now until we have a ring, otherwise just tag #business-models so we can find stuff


Thanks for posting; I just created a github issue to track the scope of adding this to the Business Models Ring repo

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their dual liscense scheme reminds me of the commons clause

Keeping something unlicensed so that people get in touch with you is the biggest most interesting thing I’d love to experiment with.

I think Kyle might have looked at the Commons Clause in passing.

This is another blog post by him that’s important:

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