Introducing of EIP Fun

Hi,everyone! I am Zoe from EIP Fun. EIP Fun strives to be the developer relation platform for Ethereum core developers and an adoption accelerator for ERC standards and projects. Our mission to Serve Ethereum Builders, and Scale the Community.

We’d like to share our newsletter with all Magicians this week to kick off our journey! Your thoughts and discussions are welcome. If there are specific topics you’d like us to cover, please reach out to @EIPFun.

We’re also interested in hearing if you’d like to see our newsletter regularly posted on the forum - share your opinion by participating in the voting here.

  • A. I would like to read the newsletter on the forum.
  • B. I don’t think it’s appropriate to post the newsletter on the forum.

Click to read our EIP Fun Weekly #48 :point_right: EIP Fun Weekly #48: Permissionlessness and Decentralization

Find more information about EIP Fun :point_right: Introducing EIP Fun - EIP Fun

:sparkles:Thank you for your reading!


Welcome to magicians! it is a pleasure to hear about that. Let’s dive into EIP rabbit-hole together! :star_struck: