Increasing contract size limit with increasing gas cost beyond 24.5Kb

Vitalik’s EIP-170 which set the current contract size limit at 24.5 Kb was written in 2016, over 8 years ago. Since then a lot has changed about the protocol, including the roadmap decision to include the verge and the purge. I think it is time to reconsider our current contract size limitations. As contracts get bigger and Dapps more complex, this limit becomes a bottleneck for many developers. The restriction has resulted in several design suggestions as well, with the Diamond-Standard being the most popular. However, writing and interacting with Diamond-contracts is a pain point for many developers, and it is not without its own issues. I want to get started the conversation about how we can increase the contract size-limit without compromising on things like state-growth, decentralization, and security.

My current idea is fairly simple. The current contract size limit should be doubled from ~24.5Kb to ~49Kb. However, 24.5Kb should remain as target, with additional bytes incurring an increasing gas cost per byte, up to the max limit.

Current code cost is defined in the EVM as code_deposit_cost = 200 * deployed_code_size

Based on the memory expansion cost, this should put the equation as something like 200 * contract_size + floor(size^2 / 24500)

I think that this cost should be defined either as a step-function, or more likely as an exponential increase beyond a floor, similar to the memory-expansion cost. A hard-cap should probably be maintained to guard against the DOS-Vector Vitalik lays out in EIP-170, but increased nonetheless. However, it could be possible to conceive of a proposal where exponentially increasing cost combined with block-gas-limits prevents against any security issues, and the cap can be removed entirely.

A second potential proposal could be something akin to multi-dimensional EIP-1559, where a target amount of new code is set per-block and the gas cost of deployment dynamic with a target. However, this would be contingent upon other major consensus changes, and is not suggested in the interim.

There’s definitely an appetite in the solidity community for increasing the limit, the question is how to do it with minimal consensus changes. Implementation would be fairly simple as its only a question of what the gas equation ought to be, and can be tweaked in the future as hardware requirements and further state-expiry proposals shift as well.

There must be some reason why nobody has taken this question up? Contract size limitations are a major pain point for solidity developers. The only discussion i’ve seen on this forum is from 2019, pre-merge/1559 and discussion seems to have stalled out.

There have been many discussions about this in different forums. One major issue is code analysis on large contracts. To increase the size, we’d need to see worst case analysis for all the clients vs. current numbers.

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I figured that there were but I couldn’t find them. I assumed people much smarter than me had already discussed this since it seemed like an obvious idea. Could you link them please. Also, what’s the impact on verification if its one contract vs several? I.E three contracts at say ~12Kb each deployed in one tx vs a single 36 Kb contract? Similarly how would EOF make this verification easier/more difficult?

I don’t think it is perfectly linear like that. I believe a 36kb contract has higher overhead than 3 12kb contracts. That’s at least the concern which has generally kept the 170 limit in place.

Some discussions:

Kinda hard to track them down, would just search eip-170 or code size on twitter.

EOF does jump dest analysis one time at deploy and then never again. Non-EOF contracts do jump dest analysis everytime they’re executed.


That makes it sound like once EOF gets put in place then we can revisit the idea of increasing the size. I noticed from the EOF spec doc that they only allocate a uint16 for keeping track of code size so raising the limit to ~65Kb instead of unlimited seems reasonable to me as long as its priced appropriately. Obviously unlimited is better than 65Kb but that should still alleviate some concerns about security from EIP-170 and set an upper limit on which we can benchmark the different implementations.

I think raising the limit but not unlimited is a good stopgag measure we can implement in the interim on the way to fully lifting the cap. I’m sure that people would love to have completely unlimited sized contracts but for now even doubling it will go a long way for a long time, and something like this may be less contentious as it allows the community to tweak the parameters and slowly increase size over time.

Sorry if I’m wasting your time with questions or pointless solutions when I’m missing a lot of established research. Just tryna contribute however I can.

No worries at all. I think one main issue is that no one has taken the time to run the analysis and champion the change. If you’re willing to do that, it would be great. The best way to run all the clients and time them is this: GitHub - holiman/goevmlab: Evm laboratory

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(a) That’s 64 Kib per code section, with up to 1024 code sections. So in theory the current format supports 64Mib contracts.
(b) Once in place the container format can be revised (without breaking changes) to support header elements using variable-width encodings.

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Can you provide any insights on what analysis would need to be done first?