Assuming a cross layer upgrade, any G-star name will be combined with the execution layer name Amsterdam in a portmanteau (Portmanteau generator), so any name choice should also consider this.
(Apologies if I am stepping on the process for selecting star upgrade names, I’m not a core dev)
Playing with AI to collect possible future upgrade names
Bogomesia (Bogota + Gomesia): it could symbolize a connection between Earth (Bogotá) and the cosmos (Gomeisa), representing innovation, exploration, and bridging earthly creativity with celestial inspiration.
Bogienah (Bogota + Gienah): it can represent freedom, exploration, and creativity, tying Bogotá’s vibrant culture to the limitless possibilities of the stars.
Bogacrux (Bogota + Gacrux): it could stand for finding one’s path or direction from a base of cultural and technological strength, inspired by the stars.
Bogloas (Bogota + Gloas): could signify the radiant glow of Bogotá, representing its cultural brilliance and global influence.