ERC | Friendly name |
20 | Fungible Tokens |
55 | Mixed-case checksum address encoding |
137 | Ethereum Domain Name Service - Specification |
162 | Initial ENS Hash Registrar |
165 | Standard Interface Detection |
173 | Contract Ownership Standard |
181 | ENS support for reverse resolution of Ethereum addresses |
190 | Ethereum Smart Contract Packaging Standard |
191 | Signed Data Standard |
223 | Token with transaction handling model |
600 | Ethereum purpose allocation for Deterministic Wallets |
601 | Ethereum hierarchy for deterministic wallets |
681 | URL Format for Transaction Requests |
721 | Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) |
777 | Token Standard |
820 | Pseudo-introspection Registry Contract |
1046 | tokenURI Interoperability |
1155 | Multi Token Standard |
1167 | Minimal Proxy Contract |
1271 | Standard Signature Validation Method for Contracts |
1328 | WalletConnect URI Format |
1363 | Payable Token |
1820 | Pseudo-introspection Registry Contract |
1967 | Proxy Storage Slots |
2098 | Compact Signature Representation |
2135 | Consumable Interface (Tickets, etc) |
2309 | ERC-721 Consecutive Transfer Extension |
2535 | Diamonds, Multi-Facet Proxy |
2612 | Permit Extension for EIP-20 Signed Approvals |
2678 | Revised Ethereum Smart Contract Packaging Standard (EthPM v3) |
2771 | Secure Protocol for Native Meta Transactions |
2981 | NFT Royalty Standard |
3156 | Flash Loans |
3448 | MetaProxy Standard |
3475 | Abstract Storage Bonds |
3525 | Semi-Fungible Token |
3643 | T-REX - Token for Regulated EXchanges |
3668 | CCIP Read—Secure offchain data retrieval |
4400 | EIP-721 Consumable Extension |
4519 | Non-Fungible Tokens Tied to Physical Assets |
4626 | Tokenized Vaults |
4804 | Web3 URL to EVM Call Message Translation |
4834 | Hierarchical Domains |
4844 | Protodanksharding |
4906 | EIP-721 Metadata Update Extension |
4907 | Rental NFT, an Extension of EIP-721 |
4955 | Vendor Metadata Extension for NFTs |
5006 | Rental NFT, NFT User Extension |
5007 | Time NFT, ERC-721 Time Extension |
5023 | Shareable Non-Fungible Token |
5169 | Client Script URI for Token Contracts |
5192 | Minimal Soulbound NFTs |
5202 | Blueprint contract format |
5219 | Contract Resource Requests |
5267 | Retrieval of EIP-712 domain |
5313 | Light Contract Ownership |
5375 | NFT Author Information and Consent |
5380 | ERC-721 Entitlement Extension |
5484 | Consensual Soulbound Tokens |
5489 | NFT Hyperlink Extension |
5507 | Refundable Tokens |
5521 | Referable NFT |
5528 | Refundable Fungible Token |
5564 | Stealth Addresses |
5570 | Digital Receipt Non-Fungible Tokens |
5585 | ERC-721 NFT Authorization |
5606 | Multiverse NFTs |
5615 | ERC-1155 Supply Extension |
5625 | NFT Metadata JSON Schema dStorage Extension |
5646 | Token State Fingerprint |
5679 | Token Minting and Burning |
5725 | Transferable Vesting NFT |
5732 | Commit Interface |
5750 | General Extensibility for Method Behaviors |
5773 | Context-Dependent Multi-Asset Tokens |
6059 | Parent-Governed Nestable Non-Fungible Tokens |
6066 | Signature Validation Method for NFTs |
6105 | No Intermediary NFT Trading Protocol |
6147 | Guard of NFT/SBT, an Extension of ERC-721 |
6150 | Hierarchical NFTs |
6220 | Composable NFTs utilizing Equippable Parts |
6239 | Semantic Soulbound Tokens |
6381 | Public Non-Fungible Token Emote Repository |
6454 | Minimal Transferable NFT detection interface |
6492 | Signature Validation for Predeploy Contracts |
6538 | Stealth Meta-Address Registry |
6672 | Multi-redeemable NFTs |
6808 | Fungible Key Bound Token |
6809 | Non-Fungible Key Bound Token |
6982 | Efficient Default Lockable Tokens |
7007 | Verifiable AI-Generated Content Token |
7053 | Interoperable Digital Media Indexing |
7066 | Lockable Extension for ERC-721 |
7092 | Financial Bonds |
7160 | ERC-721 Multi-Metadata Extension |
7201 | Namespaced Storage Layout |
7231 | Identity-aggregated NFT |
7401 | Parent-Governed Non-Fungible Tokens Nesting |
7409 | Public Non-Fungible Tokens Emote Repository |
7432 | Non-Fungible Token Roles |
7439 | Prevent ticket touting |
7528 | ETH (Native Asset) Address Convention |
7535 | Native Asset ERC-4626 Tokenized Vault |
7540 | Asynchronous ERC-4626 Tokenized Vaults |
7575 | Multi-Asset ERC-4626 Vaults |
7588 | Blob Transactions Metadata JSON Schema |
This is a wiki post, edit to improve friendly names, cleanup (e.g. remove EIPs)
Proposed by Varun Srinivasan