Friendly names for Final ERCs

ERC Friendly name
20 Fungible Tokens
55 Mixed-case checksum address encoding
137 Ethereum Domain Name Service - Specification
162 Initial ENS Hash Registrar
165 Standard Interface Detection
173 Contract Ownership Standard
181 ENS support for reverse resolution of Ethereum addresses
190 Ethereum Smart Contract Packaging Standard
191 Signed Data Standard
223 Token with transaction handling model
600 Ethereum purpose allocation for Deterministic Wallets
601 Ethereum hierarchy for deterministic wallets
681 URL Format for Transaction Requests
721 Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
777 Token Standard
820 Pseudo-introspection Registry Contract
1046 tokenURI Interoperability
1155 Multi Token Standard
1167 Minimal Proxy Contract
1271 Standard Signature Validation Method for Contracts
1328 WalletConnect URI Format
1363 Payable Token
1820 Pseudo-introspection Registry Contract
1967 Proxy Storage Slots
2098 Compact Signature Representation
2135 Consumable Interface (Tickets, etc)
2309 ERC-721 Consecutive Transfer Extension
2535 Diamonds, Multi-Facet Proxy
2612 Permit Extension for EIP-20 Signed Approvals
2678 Revised Ethereum Smart Contract Packaging Standard (EthPM v3)
2771 Secure Protocol for Native Meta Transactions
2981 NFT Royalty Standard
3156 Flash Loans
3448 MetaProxy Standard
3475 Abstract Storage Bonds
3525 Semi-Fungible Token
3643 T-REX - Token for Regulated EXchanges
3668 CCIP Read—Secure offchain data retrieval
4400 EIP-721 Consumable Extension
4519 Non-Fungible Tokens Tied to Physical Assets
4626 Tokenized Vaults
4804 Web3 URL to EVM Call Message Translation
4834 Hierarchical Domains
4844 Protodanksharding
4906 EIP-721 Metadata Update Extension
4907 Rental NFT, an Extension of EIP-721
4955 Vendor Metadata Extension for NFTs
5006 Rental NFT, NFT User Extension
5007 Time NFT, ERC-721 Time Extension
5023 Shareable Non-Fungible Token
5169 Client Script URI for Token Contracts
5192 Minimal Soulbound NFTs
5202 Blueprint contract format
5219 Contract Resource Requests
5267 Retrieval of EIP-712 domain
5313 Light Contract Ownership
5375 NFT Author Information and Consent
5380 ERC-721 Entitlement Extension
5484 Consensual Soulbound Tokens
5489 NFT Hyperlink Extension
5507 Refundable Tokens
5521 Referable NFT
5528 Refundable Fungible Token
5564 Stealth Addresses
5570 Digital Receipt Non-Fungible Tokens
5585 ERC-721 NFT Authorization
5606 Multiverse NFTs
5615 ERC-1155 Supply Extension
5625 NFT Metadata JSON Schema dStorage Extension
5646 Token State Fingerprint
5679 Token Minting and Burning
5725 Transferable Vesting NFT
5732 Commit Interface
5750 General Extensibility for Method Behaviors
5773 Context-Dependent Multi-Asset Tokens
6059 Parent-Governed Nestable Non-Fungible Tokens
6066 Signature Validation Method for NFTs
6105 No Intermediary NFT Trading Protocol
6147 Guard of NFT/SBT, an Extension of ERC-721
6150 Hierarchical NFTs
6220 Composable NFTs utilizing Equippable Parts
6239 Semantic Soulbound Tokens
6381 Public Non-Fungible Token Emote Repository
6454 Minimal Transferable NFT detection interface
6492 Signature Validation for Predeploy Contracts
6538 Stealth Meta-Address Registry
6672 Multi-redeemable NFTs
6808 Fungible Key Bound Token
6809 Non-Fungible Key Bound Token
6982 Efficient Default Lockable Tokens
7007 Verifiable AI-Generated Content Token
7053 Interoperable Digital Media Indexing
7066 Lockable Extension for ERC-721
7092 Financial Bonds
7160 ERC-721 Multi-Metadata Extension
7201 Namespaced Storage Layout
7231 Identity-aggregated NFT
7401 Parent-Governed Non-Fungible Tokens Nesting
7409 Public Non-Fungible Tokens Emote Repository
7432 Non-Fungible Token Roles
7439 Prevent ticket touting
7528 ETH (Native Asset) Address Convention
7535 Native Asset ERC-4626 Tokenized Vault
7540 Asynchronous ERC-4626 Tokenized Vaults
7575 Multi-Asset ERC-4626 Vaults
7588 Blob Transactions Metadata JSON Schema

This is a wiki post, edit to improve friendly names, cleanup (e.g. remove EIPs)
Proposed by Varun Srinivasan


The numbering scheme originated in GitHub issues tracker, now that we have 3 separate tracks, I would put forth the suggestion to cluster them for convenience. There are quite a few EIP/ERCs which have failed and for all intents and purposes, act as a blocked up (think unused IPv4). Whilst looking for a core to anchor it (ERC-20, 721 etc) I’d like to add on a commentary layer

Market Accepted Practices

ERC-20 = MAP-20

  • 1363 (payable) -1340 = MAP-23
  • 2512 (approvals) -2490 = MAP-22
  • 3156 (flash loans) - 3130 = remain ERC-3156 because it is a use-case

This is basically doing an aliasing mindmap for convenience of non-technical souls. Some suggested steps

  • find out what are permanently dead EIP numbers in neighbourhood
  • triage the existing ERCs for significance
  • criteria might be at least 5 years since proposal, significant market uptake
  • document good/bad practices using those standards
  • foster debate around new proposals relative to objective data (if any)

Suggest moving this to a new topic.

EIPs/RIPs/ERCs are assigned numbers (since 7500) from a single sequential pool by editors & associates and are no longer the issue number.

ERC20/721/1155 feel ingrained (lets see if this is still the case in 20 years).

Whilst there are a number of gaps in numbering (I was keen for auctioning off low numbers), there wouldn’t be consistent enough room for a new taxonomy.

There is currently an open role for an ERC coordinator