I’ll be posting updates and meeting notes to the category. If you’re on the founding participant list, I’ll put in make extra effort to make sure you don’t miss out on relevant discussions.
I’ve been working on Vipnode (an economic incentive for running Ethereum full nodes that serve light clients). While exploring integration opportunities, I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with various teams who are trying to on-board Ethereum users to mobile and in-browser clients beyond simply using Infura’s centralized APIs.
I noticed that many teams have their own separate efforts that are largely incompatible with each other, and many of them don’t know about each other at all.
Some examples: Geth LES/ULC, Parity PIP, Slock.it Incubed, MetaMask Mustekala
This ring strives to raise awareness of these separate efforts, and hopes to reach some standards of compatibility across them.
Any other relevant projects we’re missing here? Any suggestions?
I’ve added both julianlen and my name (@smcsicardi) to the Founding Participants list. We are Researchers from RSK currently starting our work on the light client version of the RSK node.
We are still on research phase and we are looking into both LES and PIP to see which protocol bets suits our needs.
Great. Welcome @smcsicardi! If you or julianlen happen to be in Berlin the weekend August 24th/25th around ETHBerlin we could organize a f2f ring meeting there.