I made an events site for future councils, ring events, and other Ethereum community events.
See https://sleepy-williams-401b9e.netlify.com/
I was the one that made a website for Berlin Council, and I think making a whole website is overkill. I replicated the whole website in one page here https://sleepy-williams-401b9e.netlify.com/events/2018-council-of-berlin/
It’s a standard Jekyll site, so people would do pull requests with new events, or file an issue if they aren’t comfortable with Github and volunteers would do it.
I’ve put this into a Github issue https://github.com/ethereum-magicians/scrolls/issues/15 to track progress, but am posting here for broader discussion.
The data is incomplete / placeholder as I needed some content to work with. I am happy to take pull requests in the repo here https://github.com/bmann/ethereum-events for now. This should be very simple even for non-technical users – you can edit files directly through Github, and then make a PR (Github will prompt you to make a “fork” which will then be in your own account). I am happy to help support someone trying this out so we can improve documentation on how to do this.
And of course: design assistance welcome!
Edit – some additional thoughts: I was inspired by nodeschool, which has each chapter add a little json file https://github.com/nodeschool/nodeschool.github.io/tree/source/chapters
Since I used jekyll, the basic pattern of just adding a post for an event seemed appropriate.
Back in the day, Barcamp exploded around the world by having a Barcamp Wiki where people copied, cloned, and remixed content.
So I hope this will help event organizers come up with templates and patterns.
I’m sticking this in Site Feedback as the EthMagicians “meta” category – suggesting we use it as the general category for FEM community process.