Hi guys,
I was discussing with Ed regarding conducting a survey before the EthCC data-ring discussions (similar to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iWjqyA_Ylg5szvQnYFrR-N0H_9mshM8ZU88c1fxlalI/edit and https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PS0k9MaKPdPwEw3Uh9rq7USjq7LcSpT6ICQUXRij4YE/edit ) . The goal is to have more “data” points while performing the data-ring discussions.
I have made a google form and would be great if we can spread it around: https://goo.gl/forms/Xt3fdiQHzNGaaus63
@tjayrush , @jpitts what do you think?
February 27, 2019, 5:01pm
Thanks for organizing this @ankitchiplunkar !
I noticed that the Data Ring does not have an entry in the scrolls, the result of this survey can inform how the ring charter is written.
List of Rings: https://github.com/ethereum-magicians/scrolls/wiki
Ring charter template: https://github.com/ethereum-magicians/scrolls/wiki/Ring-Charter-Template
@jpitts my pleasure
Do you know what is the best mechanism to spread this form around?
February 27, 2019, 6:36pm
IMO here is best, we should Tweet about it as well.
Have tweeted the google form link https://twitter.com/ankitchiplunkar/status/1100843121452158977 would be great if you guys can retweet it.
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February 27, 2019, 8:37pm
Two things you might add:
An open question, e.g. “Is there anything you’d like to see discussed?” this way people can let the group know if they have additional things to consider.
Brief explanation of the group, or a link to Jay’s original post Is There Interest in a Data Ring?