ERC-7674: Temporary Approval Extension for ERC-20

Among all cases of ERC-20 token transactions, a popular one is when smart contracts approve token spending to other contracts. Often tokens are approved for only one transaction.

Following the ERC-20 standard, if a smart contract wants to approve the spending of tokens to another smart contract for only one transaction, this causes the allowance saved in storage to be updated and retrieved.

Token allowances utilising EIP-1153 transient storage are a cheaper alternative to the regular storage allowances.

We suggest adding a new ERC-7674: GitHub PR.

Proposed implementation


Slot MAY be derived as keccak256(spender . keccak256(owner . p)) where . is concatenation and p is keccak256 from the string uniquely defining transient allowances in the namespace of the implementing contract.

I have a preference for the transient allowance using the same slot as stored allowance to reduce the number of necessary hashes. Hash operations are likely to cost more gas in the future.

Hey @xshape
I reviewed the contract files you submitted, nice work!
If I may suggest a few changes and also ask you the ‘why’ of the way some things were composed:

msg.sender is never the zero address, so L28 can be removed. I see you used vm.prank(address(0) and such context is only valid by manipulating the VM but it can’t happen on mainnet.

When calling the name of a function as in L42, I believe the industry standard asks you to write the name of the contract upfront like {ERC20-approve}

There was a particular reason to choose the following formula to generate the unique slot hash?
keccak256(spender . keccak256(owner . p))
I recommend using the same order as the input parameters of the _getTransientSlot function, reducing the hash into keccak256(owner . spender)). Since spender and owner are unique to their transaction contexts and since there is only one available spender for each owner, I don’t think the constant is necessary.

The function named _getTransientSlot might be misleading. Its purpose is purely to generate the hash, while the functions named _getTransientAllowance and _setTransientAllowance are the ones storing/loading from the transient storage. I recommend changing the getter/setter function names from TransientAllowance into TransientSlot and the _getTransientSlot into something related to the hash generation.

The function _getTransientAllowance returns an uint256 but the variable is named allowed, to avoid misleading nomenclature I recommend changing it into value.

In L46 it’s been checked if transientAllowance equals to max uint256. This verification already occurs inside Math.tryAdd where, in case it overflows (because it is max uint256) the Math lib will return false, which will set the return as max unit256 because of the ternary validating the returned boolean. I recommend deleting L46, L47, L48 as it seems they are not doing anything.

Let me know if I can be more helpful :wink:

I think the best option is to leave this decision to those implementing the standard. Do you have a version of the wording that would be more appropriate in this case?

Hi, thank you for your feedback.

msg.sender is never the zero address, so L28 can be removed. I see you used vm.prank(address(0) and such context is only valid by manipulating the VM but it can’t happen on mainnet.

This is a sanity check to filter out clearly incorrect return of the _msgSender function that can be overridden.

I recommend using the same order as the input parameters of the _getTransientSlot function, reducing the hash into keccak256(owner . spender)).

Because in the proposed version the slot index depends only on owner and spender, the probability of collision is increased. Unrelated functionality can use exactly the same approach to derive the slot index for its needs. Adding a unique p helps reduce the risk of collision.

I recommend changing the getter/setter function names from TransientAllowance into TransientSlot and the _getTransientSlot into something related to the hash generation.

As you pointed out above in the message, the getter and setter functions are getting/setting the value from/to the slot, not the slot id. _getTransientSlot function calculates the slot id. The fact that it uses hash is an implementation detail and can be concealed.

The function _getTransientAllowance returns an uint256 but the variable is named allowed, to avoid misleading nomenclature I recommend changing it into value.

The variable name allowed may suggest a boolean data type, it may be worth using amount/value instead, agree.

I recommend deleting L46, L47, L48 as it seems they are not doing anything.

If the temporary allowance is type(uint256).max, there is no point in doing an extra sload to get an overflow.