ERC-7558: Minimal Lockable Range NFTs

There are various soulbound / lockable proposals for 721-NFTs, like:

However, none of those proposals have events supporting batch operations to lock/unlock multiple tokens (or an entire contract in a gas efficient way).

So I propose the following interface:

// ERC165 interfaceId 0x75587558
interface IERC7558 is IERC5192 {
  /// @notice Emitted when the locking status for a range of tokens is changed to locked.
  event RangeLocked(uint256 _fromTokenId, uint256 _toTokenId);

  /// @notice Emitted when the locking status for a range of tokens is changed to unlocked.
  event RangeUnlocked(uint256 _fromTokenId, uint256 _toTokenId);

NOTE: The ERC-165 identifier doesnā€™t strictly follow ERC-165 calculations, but there is prior art to assigning a custom identifier to avoid conflict or for ERCs that do not include any functions, like ERC-4906.

The ERC-165 identifier is thus 0x75587558.

This proposal is completely compatible with ERC-5192, but adds support for token range operations.

This would let you do something like this to mark all the tokens in a contract as locked:

emit RangeLocked(0, UINT256_MAX)

and later if you wanted to allow transfers of a given token collection:

emit RangeUnlocked(0, UINT256_MAX)

I believe this proposal is either more flexible or more gas-efficient than existing soulbound/lockable proposals.

When working on ERC6982 I thought about batch locked events, but I dismissed it because it is hard to cover most cases. You covered the case when someone locks or unlocks a range. What if I want to unlock all the even tokenIds? What if I have 40 tokenIds that I want to lock/unlock in a single operation?
There are so many cases that can require a batch process and I believe that an ERC focused on batch processes should try to cover all of them.
For this reason, I would change the name of the event from BatchLocked to RangeLocked, which is more clear.

Instead of forcing users to implement many overlapping interfaces, it would be better to make an extension. Why not setting it as

// ERC165 interfaceId 0x75587558
interface IERC_Draft_BATCH_MIN_SBTS is ERC5192 {

  /// @notice Emitted when the locking status for a range of tokens is changed to locked.
  event BatchLocked(uint256 _fromTokenId, uint256 _toTokenId);

  /// @notice Emitted when the locking status for a range of tokens is changed to unlocked.
  event BatchUnlocked(uint256 _fromTokenId, uint256 _toTokenId);


If not, those who have already implemented ERC5192 will have issues using both interfaces.

In conclusion, I would suggest you change it in

interface ERC7558 is ERC5192 {

  event RangeLocked(uint256 _fromTokenId, uint256 _toTokenId);

  event RangeUnlocked(uint256 _fromTokenId, uint256 _toTokenId);


or (what I would prefer :smiley:)

interface ERC7558 is ERC6982 {

  event RangeLocked(uint256 _fromTokenId, uint256 _toTokenId, boolean locked);


I would also suggest not to use the word soulbound. It refers to a special case of lockable tokens and makes your proposal looking not a general one. Consider that even @TimDaub tried to remove that from the final name of its proposal, but it was in the final stage and that was not possible.

Appreciate the feedback. I updated the proposal name to: ā€œMinimal Lockable Range NFTsā€, and updated the naming to RangeLocked and RangeUnlocked.

I initially used Batch for the range events since that is what is used in ERC-4906 - but I agree that RangeX is a better descriptor of the behavior.

Iā€™m a little torn on inheriting from 5192 - I thought it might be easier to implement a compatible interface rather than inheriting the inheritance - but after thinking about it more I recognize that can be abstracted away from anyone implementing this.

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Just came here to say that I appreciate you building on ERC-5192! If thereā€™s any way I can help, please DM me on TG or other places!

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While I would have appreciated if you where extending ERC6892 since you adopted my suggestion, including the final name of the events, I agree that ERC5192 needs this extension much more.

That is a typo, using the original name.

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