EIP Proposal - Allow the elliptic curve precompiles to accept an x-coordinate and a 'sign'

I’ve just thought of this, so sorry if there’s an obvious reason for why it’s stupid.

I’ve been pondering how to reduce calldata / memory costs for zk-snark projects like zkopru etc, where a batched transaction contains lots of elliptic curve points as calldata.

Currently the precompiles for ECADD, ECMUL (EIP 196) and Pairings (EIP 197) only accept elliptic curve point parameters as (x, y) affine coordinate pairs.

To save on calldata/memory costs, perhaps we could modify these precompile specifications so that a y-coordinate doesn’t need to be explicitly passed to these functions. The y-coordinate would instead be derived within the precompile operation. A point on the AltBN-254 curve can be expressed uniquely as an x-coordinate and a sign (positive or negative).

The first 2 bits of the uint256 that an x-coordinate occupies are unused. So perhaps a prefix of 01 could imply ‘positive y-coordinate’ and a prefix of 10 could imply ‘negative y-coordinate’. I’ll lazily write (sign, x) to mean a 2-bit sign followed by a 254-bit x-value.

For G2 points of the form (x, y) where x = a + ib, only the first two bits of a would need to be prefixed to imply the sign of y.

We’d retain backwards compatibility with the current precompiles for (x, y) inputs which actually exist on the curve. But clearly, an error would no-longer necessarily be thrown for x-coordinates prefixed with a sign, whereas previously such formatting would have always been rejected as the user specifying an invalid field element.

For ADD:
To calculate P1 + P2, pass either [(x1, y1), (x2, y2)] (old format occupying 128 bytes) or [(sign, x1), (sign, x2)] (new format occupying 64 bytes).

The output formatting is up for debate. I suppose if a ‘sign’ is specified for the inputs, then the precompile should return the point P3 = P1 + P2 formatted as (sign, x3).

For MUL:
To calculate s * P, pass either [(x, y), s] (old format occupying 96 bytes) or [(sign, x), s] (new format occupying 64 bytes).
Output format should mirror the ADD case.

For Pairings, encode the inputs and outputs in a similar fashion. (I won’t write it out unless this idea gains some traction).

Since the precompiles already include a check to ensure a point is on the curve (and is a member of the correct subgroup), I’d argue the cost of evaluating y from (sign, x) might not result in much extra overhead.
