EIP-831 - URI Format for Ethereum

This EIP was revived in 2022, but it has gone stagnant again… In August 2022, it was updated to be in Review (as a dependency of ERC4804), but in March 2023, was auto-updated to Stagnant.

ERC4804 has been approved as part of the Standards Track, but no longer seems to cite EIP831 as a dependency (only EIP137). And, EIP6860 is in draft-form looking to update ERC4804.

The stagnant draft of EIP831 defines the desired IRI schemas as eth: and ethereum:, while the standards-track ERC4804 defines IRI schemas of ethereum-web3:, eth-web3:, web3:, and w3:. Those don’t overlap at all (and ethereum-web3:, eth-web3: would be dropped, if EIP6860 is accepted).

However, ethereum: was registered with IANA as a schema for Ethereum. Since this EIP has gone stagnant again, should that IANA registration be withdrawn, and allow ERC4804/EIP6860 to be a replacement of EIP831? The web3: and w3: schemas were registered for ERC4804, which can then continue the goals this EIP had?