EIP-7701: Native Account Abstraction with EOF

One of the issues that arises from enshrining an ERC-4337: Account Abstraction Using Alt Mempool design in Ethereum is its reliance on Solidity method signatures and ABI-encoding that is not a native part of the EVM.

This EIP is a variant of RIP-7560: Native Account Abstraction that solves these issues by the means of extending the EOF format.


A bit late reviewing this, but itā€™s been because EOF v1 has been solidifying. With that in mind I have some comments and suggestions with the EOF portions of the PR.

  • Remove target_section_pc_offset and require all sections to start at PC=0 within the code section

My reasoning for this relates to the code validaiton within EOF, itā€™s only intended to start with a single entry point at zero. If code can enter at multiple entry points significant portions of stack validation need to be reconsidered, and that feels like too much for this EIP, in addition to needing a separate skill set to evaluate.

  • Reconsider specifying ssz encoding of data

Clients are not yet mandated to implement, but more importantly robust solidity libraries handling SSZ do not exist yet, and the efficiency of SSZ in the EVM is an open question. This is an issue that may be overcome in time, but I donā€™t think Native AA is the correct place to find out. Right now the Solidity ABI is much better ingrained in the ecosystem and will result in less friction when it comes to adoption.

The following 2 suggestions are to allow Native AA to use the EOF features without embedding the AA aspects into the EOF spec, and provide a generic reusable facility for other uses.

  • Consider 4 bytes for entrypoint_role, and assign names based on ABI selectors

Expanding this to 4 bytes makes arbitrary mappings a bit less arbitrary, and preserves two future design spaces: multiple possible signatures for entry point actions, and secondarily possibly expanding it to a general case ā€œselectorā€ mode that EOF can deploy, where solidity can dispense with the occasionally large switching logic for function dispatch. This also helps decouple AA logic from the EVM.

  • Consider adding a ā€œflagsā€ field in entrypoints_section entries.

Some drafts of various AA proposals have imposed more restrictions on the kinds of operations that a function may perform, such as prohibiting all block info access in sender validation calls. An extra flags field will provide signaling into the EVM so that EOF can perform that validation as part of EOF validation. This further decouples AA logic from the EVM otherwise specific validations would be tied to specific types which would then require EVM updates when new or different validations are requested.