EIP-7053: Interoperable Digital Media Indexing

This EIP proposes an interoperable indexing strategy designed to enhance the organization and retrieval of digital media information across multiple smart contracts and EVM-compatible blockchains. This system enhances the traceability and verification of cross-contract and cross-chain data, facilitating a more efficient discovery of storage locations and crucial information related to media assets. The major purpose is to foster an integrated digital media environment on the blockchain.


Given the significant role digital media files play on the Internet, it’s crucial to have a robust and efficient method for indexing immutable information. Existing systems encounter challenges due to the absence of a universal, interoperable identifier for digital media content. This leads to fragmentation and complications in retrieving metadata, storage information, or the provenance of specific media assets. The issues become increasingly critical as the volume of digital media continues to expand.

The motivation behind this EIP is to establish a standardized, decentralized, and interoperable approach to index digital media across EVM-compatible networks. By integrating Decentralized Content Identifiers (CIDs), such as IPFS CID, and Commit events, this EIP puts forward a mechanism enabling unique identification and indexing of each digital media file. Moreover, this system suggests a way for users to access a complete history of data associated with digital media assets, from creation to the current status. This full view enhances transparency, thereby providing users with the necessary information for future interactions with digital media.

For the complete draft, please refer to the pull request. Thanks!

Good stuff.

This can be super helpful to index the digital media and offer a better approach to digital media provenance, especially for the current generative AI era having such digital cluttering.


A unique Decentralized Content Identifier (CID) plays a crucial role in facilitating easy tracing of the same asset. CIDs serve as unique identifiers that enable efficient tracking and retrieval of decentralized content. By utilizing CIDs, it becomes simpler to identify and locate specific assets within decentralized systems, promoting transparency, reliability, and interoperability. These identifiers enhance the traceability and verifiability of assets, ensuring that they can be securely managed and validated across various platforms and networks.

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While your proposal primarily focuses on digital media, the underlying indexing mechanism and event-driven approach could potentially be extended to other types of assets beyond media files, enhancing its versatility.