EIP-6821: Support ENS Name for Web3 URL

eip: 6821
title: Support ENS Name for Web3 URL
description: A mapping from an ENS name to the contract address in web3://
author: Qi Zhou (@qizhou), Qiang Zhu (@qzhodl)
status: Draft
type: Standards Track
category: ERC
created: 2023-04-02
requires: 137, 4804


One example given in EIP-4804 is web3://vitalikblog.eth:5/. Does this example require the EIP in this post?

The resolving part will depend on this EIP. However, after discussing with EIP editors on EIP-4804, we agree to defer the detailed resolving part to another EIP (i.e., for ENS, EIP-6821).


Instead of web3 for the key name, what about something like contentscript or contentcontract to go with the already existing contenthash from ERC-1577?

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Looks like a good idea. Let me check with others in the circle :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the comment. After discussing with other community members, we agree to replace the web3 text record with contentcontract. The EIP is also updated accordingly. Pleaes check.

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