Eip-3712: Standard for Multiple Types of Fungible-Tokens

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A couple questions whose answers I think should be added to the EIP specification section:

  • If one of the batch transfers fails, what happens to the rest of the transfers?
  • What does the boolean return value of the transfer family of functions mean?

Thank you very much for your question. If one of the batch transfers fails, the rest of the transfers will be in error and this transation will fail too. the boolean return value of the transfer family of functions means whether all transfers are success.

That makes sense! I’d recommend adding that to the EIP itself, since it seems pretty important.

Great questions and suggestion, Sam! Yes, it is very important!
After several discussions, we’ve arranged this work on the schedule.
Thank you very much!

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We’ve recently modified EIP-3712, and also have published a Chinese version (only for explanation).
And we’re also managing this EIP with versions: