EIP-2938: Account Abstraction

As announced on the last core devs call, the Quilt team (@willvillanueva, @SamWilsn, @matt, @adietrichs) in collaboration with @vbuterin has published a new account abstraction EIP:

Account abstraction (AA) allows a contract to be the top-level account that pays fees and starts transaction execution.

Relevant Links:

In addition to this thread, you can find us in the #account-abstraction channel of the Eth R&D discord.


To add to the previous link list, a few recent additional AA-related resources:

Discussion on AA can currently be found primarily in the #account-abstraction channel of the Eth R&D discord server, which you can join here.

Why is PAYGAS not using stack if it needs to 32byte long params?

An episode on Peep an EIP-2938 with @adietrichs & @SamWilsn

On Friday November 20 at 12:00 EST we are going to host Community Call on Account Abstraction :phone:

YouTube Live stream Link :desktop_computer:
Announcement ( Medium article) :loudspeaker:

Feel free to drop questions to this post :weight_lifting_man:

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FYI here is a link tree with the full history of AA (from 2015): https://hackmd.io/@matt/r1neQ_B38

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Why is PAYGAS not using stack if it needs to 32byte long params?

To enable upgrades (eg. EIP-1559) the opcode needs to accept a variable number/length of arguments.

Understanding the Account Abstraction proposal and getting answers to open questions in Peep an EIP-2938 Part-1 & Part-2 with Ansgar Dietrichs & Sam Wilson.

I know that account abstraction is not actively researched currently, but with the EVM Object Format we made a claim that EIP-2938 can be somewhat simplified. Here’s a short explainer for that: Account Abstraction with EVM Object Format - HackMD

Note that it is a rough sketch and I haven’t spent much time on going very deep into details. Notable differences include:

  1. Account can advertise their claimed gas limit for the verification code
  2. The verification code is clearly demarcated
  3. PAYGAS can use stack items (as new version can be added via EOF versions)