EIP-2565: Big integer modular exponentiation (EIP-198) gas cost


title: Big integer modular exponentiation (EIP-198) gas cost

author: Kelly Olson (@ineffectualproperty), Sean Gulley (@sean-sn), Simon Peffers (@simonatsn), Justin Drake (@justindrake), Dankrad Feist (@dankrad)

discussions-to: TBD

status: Draft

type: Standards Track

category: Core

created: 2020-03-20


Simple Summary

The EIP-198 ‘big integer modular exponentiation’, or ModExp, precompile is currently overpriced. Re-pricing this precompile will enable more cost efficient verification of RSA signatures, verifiable delay functions (VDFs), primality checks, and more.


After benchmarking the ModExp precompile, we discovered that it is ‘overpriced’ relative to other precompiles. We also discovered that the current gas pricing formula could be improved to better estimate the computational complexity of various ModExp input variables. To improve the gas cost pricing for this precompile the following options are available:

  1. Changing the value of the GQUADDIVISOR parameter in the ModExp pricing formula to bring its costs more in-line with other precompiles

  2. Modifying the gas pricing formula to better reflect the computational complexity of ModExp operations

  3. Improving the underlying libraries beneath the ModExp Precompile

  4. Any combination of (1), (2), and (3)

We recommend Option (1) which provides a large practical improvement to gas estimation while keeping implementation complexity low. Options (2) and (3) could also be implemented and would further improve the gas pricing for a broader range of use cases. Additional data can be provided for options (2) and (3) as desired.


Modular exponentiation is a foundational arithmetic operation for many cryptographic functions including signatures, VDFs, SNARKs, accumulators, and more. Unfortunately, the ModExp precompile is currently over-priced, making these operations inefficient and expensive. By reducing the cost of this precompile, these cryptographic functions become more practical, enabling improved security, stronger randomness (VDFs), and more.


The current gas pricing formula is defined in EIP-198. This formula divides a ‘computational complexity’ function by a ‘gas conversion’ parameter called ‘GQUADDIVISOR’ to arrive at a gas cost.

Recommended Option (1): Change value of GQUADDIVISOR

GQUADDIVISOR is set to ‘20’ per EIP-198. We recommend changing the value of this parameter to ‘200’.

Option (2): Modify ‘computational complexity’ function

A proposed ‘complexity’ function can be found at the following spreadsheet

Code defining an improved complexity function can be provided as needed, but this option is not recommended at this time.

Option (3): Replace libraries used by ModExp precompiles

ModExp benchmarks for different libraries can be found at the following spreadsheet

While alternative libraries can provide improved performance, this option is not recommended at this time.


Recommended Option (1): Change value of GQUADDIVISOR:

Changing the value of this parameter from 20 to 200 will reduce the gas cost of this precompile by a factor of 10 with minimal implementation changes. With this change, the cost of the ModExp precompile will have a higher cost (gas/second) than other precompiles such as ECRecover.

Option (2): Modify ‘computational complexity’ formula

A proposed ‘complexity’ function can be found at the following spreadsheet.

The new complexity function has a better fit vs. the execution time when compared to the current complexity function. This better fit is because the new complexity formula accounts for the use of binary exponentiation algorithms that are used by ‘bigint’ libraries for large exponents. You may also notice the regression line of the proposed complexity function bisects the test vector data points. This is because the run time varies depending on if the modulus is even or odd.

While modifying the computational complexity formula can improve gas estimation at a medium implementation cost, we do not recommend it at this time.

Option (3): Improving the ModExp precompile implementations

Replacing the underlying library can improve the performance of the ModExp precompile by 2x-4x for large exponents, but comes at a high implementation cost. We do not recommend this option at this time.

Test Cases

As no underlying algorithms are being changed, there are no additional test cases to specify.




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This EIP has now been approved to be merged under ‘draft’ status here: https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/2565

Additional comments or feedback are appreciated.

So, afaiu, option 2 was accepted for YOLOv2 integration.

GQUADDIVISOR is set to 20 per EIP-198. We recommend changing the value of this parameter to 3 to account for the changes in the recommended ‘computational complexity’ formula above.

Think this is poorly specified. Changing it from 20 to 3 increases the gascost. So as I understand it, the spec should really say

  1. Implement formula changes from Option 1.
  2. Change GQUADDIVISOR (defined as 20 in EIP-198) to 3.

The EIP is very vague in other respects aswell. For example, (but the same thing is in several places) - here’s a snippet from option 1:

In addition to modifying the mult_complexity formula as above, we also recommend wrapping the entire function with a minimum gas price of 100 to ensure that a minimum amount of gas is used when the precompile is called e.g. max(100,floor(mult_complexity(x)/GQUADDIVISOR))

That’s an example of where a vital point in the spec is almost an afterthought in a footnote placed after the test-vector link. The EIP should clearly assert the specification, and say

In addition to modifying the mult_complexity formula as above, the entire function is wrapped to guarantee a minimum gas price of 100 :

    return max(100,floor(mult_complexity(x)/GQUADDIVISOR))`

But the example there doesn’t match even so - because it omits the * max(ADJUSTED_EXPONENT_LENGTH, 1) part from the original spec?

The original 198 spec is

floor(mult_complexity(max(length_of_MODULUS, length_of_BASE)) * max(ADJUSTED_EXPONENT_LENGTH, 1) / GQUADDIVISOR) 

So shouldn’t the example be

x = max(length_of_MODULUS, length_of_BASE)
y = floor(mult_complexity(x) * max(ADJUSTED_EXPONENT_LENGTH, 1) / GQUADDIVISOR) 
return max(100, y)


For option 1, you link to a spreadsheet which contains the expected gas costs. However, for option 2, you link here, and I can’t seem to find the reference gas costs for option 2. Could you please provide those too?

Ideally, have an appendix on the form

testcase EIP-198 gas 2565 opt 1 gas 2565 opt 2 gas
modexp_nagydani_1_square 204 100 100

Ah wait, this is a total mess.
So the EIP says:

Recommended Option (1): Modify ‘computational complexity’ function and add minimum gas cost
Recommended Option (2): Change value of GQUADDIVISOR
GQUADDIVISOR is set to 20 per EIP-198. We recommend changing the value of this parameter to 3 to account for the changes in the recommended ‘computational complexity’ formula above.

But the description here, on this forum, says

Recommended Option (1): Change value of GQUADDIVISOR:
GQUADDIVISOR is set to ‘20’ per EIP-198. We recommend changing the value of this parameter to ‘200’.
Option (2): Modify ‘computational complexity’ function


  1. the options are turned around,
  2. and the GQUADDIVISOR new value is 3 on the EIP, and 200 here.

I have no idea what to make of this.

  • I guess we leave the formula as is,
  • but modify GQUADDIVISOR to 200,
  • and do we also skip adding a minimum gas cost?


Option (3): Replace libraries used by ModExp precompiles

That option has no place in the EIP – it’s a good recommendation to have if you’re presenting material to the ACD, but there’s no consensus change involved. IMO it should be removed from the EIP.

Hi @holiman - thanks for the feedback. I saw some other similar suggested feedback from @MicahZoltu as well and will clarify the EIP to make it more spec-focused than proposal focused. I will incorporate your suggested changes as well and include an appendix with the updated test vectors and post back here once an updated PR is made in the next day or two. Thanks for the feedback.

@holiman do you have a link to the test vectors? I have been asking for it for a while but the spreadsheet only seems to contain some data about the test vectors but not the exact values

also - which libraries are considered fast enough to support it? the spreadsheet verifies Geth, gmp and OpenSSL. The gmp library is GPL licensed so we cannot use it.

Hey @tkstanczak - my apologies as I have been slow to update the EIP as I’ve been consumed with a few other things. I will update this post tomorrow with a link to the updated EIP along with the updated test vectors. As for libraries, most big integer libraries are of sufficient performance, though the Rust modular exponentiation is slow. OpenSSL is Apache2 licensed and I believe that GMP is now LGPL.

Hi @holiman and @tkstanczak. The updated EIP is now available in this PR: https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/2892. It includes test vectors as suggested. @holiman I’ve also created a prototype of the proposed changes to Geth here: https://gist.github.com/ineffectualproperty/9811fbe573eae600420c93336d379038

Please let me know if anything remains unclear or if you have any recommendations to improve it.

Updated EIP 09/23/20

Simple Summary

The EIP-198 ‘big integer modular exponentiation’, or ModExp, precompile is currently overpriced. Re-pricing this precompile will enable more cost efficient verification of RSA signatures, verifiable delay functions (VDFs), primality checks, and more.


After benchmarking the ModExp precompile, we discovered that it is ‘overpriced’ relative to other precompiles. We also discovered that the current gas pricing formula could be improved to better estimate the computational complexity of various ModExp input variables. To improve the gas cost pricing for this precompile, this EIP specifies:

  1. A change to the mult_complexity formula to better reflect the computational complexity of ModExp operations
  2. A change to the value of the GQUADDIVISOR parameter in the ModExp pricing formula to bring its costs more in-line with other precompiles
  3. A minimum cost to call the precompile to prevent underpricing for small inputs


Modular exponentiation is a foundational arithmetic operation for many cryptographic functions including signatures, VDFs, SNARKs, accumulators, and more. Unfortunately, the ModExp precompile is currently over-priced, making these operations inefficient and expensive. By reducing the cost of this precompile, these cryptographic functions become more practical, enabling improved security, stronger randomness (VDFs), and more.


The current gas pricing formula is defined in EIP-198 as follows:

floor(mult_complexity(max(length_of_MODULUS, length_of_BASE)) * max(ADJUSTED_EXPONENT_LENGTH, 1) / GQUADDIVISOR)

As of FORK_BLOCK_NUMBER make the following changes to the pricing formula for the ModExp precompile:

1: Modify the mult_complexity function

The current complexity function, as defined in EIP-198 is as follow:

def mult_complexity(x):
    if x <= 64: return x ** 2
    elif x <= 1024: return x ** 2 // 4 + 96 * x - 3072
    else: return x ** 2 // 16 + 480 * x - 199680

where is x is max(length_of_MODULUS, length_of_BASE)

This complexity formula was meant to approximate the difficulty of Karatsuba multiplication. However, we found a better approximation for modelling modular exponentiation. We recommend the following formula to better estimate the computational complexity for varying input values:

def mult_complexity(x):

where is x is max(length_of_MODULUS, length_of_BASE). x is divided by 8 to account for the number of limbs in multiprecision arithmetic.

2. Change value of GQUADDIVISOR

GQUADDIVISOR is set to 20 per EIP-198. We recommend changing the value of this parameter to 3 to account for the changes in the recommended ‘computational complexity’ formula above.

3. Set a minimum price for calling the precompile

We recommend wrapping the entire function with a minimum gas price of 200 to ensure that a minimum amount of gas is used when the precompile is called e.g. max(200,floor(mult_complexity(max(length_of_MODULUS, length_of_BASE)) * max(ADJUSTED_EXPONENT_LENGTH, 1) / GQUADDIVISOR))


1. Modify ‘computational complexity’ formula to better reflect the computational complexity

A comparison of the current ‘complexity’ function and the proposed function against the execution time can be seen below:

The new complexity function has a better fit vs. the execution time when compared to the current complexity function. This better fit is because the new complexity formula accounts for the use of binary exponentiation algorithms that are used by ‘bigint’ libraries for large exponents. You may also notice the regression line of the proposed complexity function bisects the test vector data points. This is because the run time varies depending on if the modulus is even or odd.

2. Change the value of GQUADDIVISOR

After changing the ‘computational complexity’ formula it is necessary to change QGUADDIVSOR to bring the gas costs inline with their runtime. We recommend changing the value from ‘20’ to ‘3’. With this change, the cost of the ModExp precompile will have a higher cost (gas/second) than other precompiles such as ECRecover.

3. Set a minimum gas cost to prevent abuse

This prevents the precompile from underpricing small input values.

Test Cases

There are no changes to the underlying interface or arithmetic algorithms, so the existing test vectors can be reused. Below is a table with the updated test vectors:

Test Case EIP-198 Pricing New Pricing
modexp_nagydani_1_square 204 200
modexp_nagydani_1_qube 204 200
modexp_nagydani_1_pow0x10001 3276 341
modexp_nagydani_2_square 665 200
modexp_nagydani_2_qube 665 200
modexp_nagydani_2_pow0x10001 10649 1365
modexp_nagydani_3_square 1894 341
modexp_nagydani_3_qube 1894 341
modexp_nagydani_3_pow0x10001 30310 5461
modexp_nagydani_4_square 5580 1365
modexp_nagydani_4_qube 5580 1365
modexp_nagydani_4_pow0x10001 89292 21845
modexp_nagydani_5_square 17868 5461
modexp_nagydani_5_qube 17868 5461
modexp_nagydani_5_pow0x10001 285900 87381

Security Considerations

The biggest security consideration for this EIP is creating a potential DoS vector by making ModExp operations too inexpensive relative to their computation time.


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.

I’m not getting the same numbers. Let’s consider modexp_nagydani_pow0x10001:

length_of_MODULUS = 64
length_of_BASE = 64
multComplexity(64) = 1
1 * max(16, 1) = 16
16 / 3 = 5
min(200,5) = 200 
   TestPrecompiledModExpEip2565/nagydani-1-pow0x10001-Gas=200: contracts_test.go:105: nagydani-1-pow0x10001: gas wrong, expected 341, got 200

@holiman My apologies! I had a mix-up with bytes and bits. Could you please try the following update to represent the size of a limb in bytes (previously was 64 as I had incorrectly represented it in bits).

def mult_complexity(x):

Yep, now the numbers match up. I made a PR for geth: https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/pull/21607

Where can we get the new test vectors seen on the spreadsheet (v1->v52, or new test vector 1 through new test vector 52)?

Hey @shemnon - I’m unfortunately unable to find the underlying values that were generated for the performance analysis as it looks like I only saved the lengths in the excel sheet at the time. This EIP does not propose the addition of any new test vectors, rather merely updates the calculated gas for the existing set of test vectors as shown above. You can find the most recent EIP updates here: https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/2892. The references to the Excel spreadsheet performance analysis have been removed at the request of the EIP repository maintainers.

On last weeks ACD call it was suggested that Besu and Nethermind teams should run a benchmark to understand the performance of their ModExp libraries as Geth has done. If it possible to provide a benchmark for the 15 existing test vectors I’d be happy to run them through the new pricing formula to ensure that pricing stays above ~15M gas/second and doesn’t present any DoS risk for the Besu client. Please let me know if I can help answer any other questions.

An update has been pushed to the EIP based on feedback: https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/2892

A Python implementation has been added for clarity here: https://gist.github.com/ineffectualproperty/60e34f15c31850c5b60c8cf3a28cd423

The EIP has been merged as last call and can be viewed here: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2565

@shemnon and @tkstanczak it would be great if you could benchmark your existing ModExp precompile with the existing EIP-198 test vectors (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/master/core/vm/testdata/precompiles/modexp.json) to ensure that this repricing doesn’t cause any gas issues for the Besu or Nethermind clients. If you post them here I can create a table with the gas/second using the proposed pricing scheme. The original EIP was run on a 4th gen Intel i7 but any modern laptop/desktop should be sufficient to run the benchmark.

Following up on an off-forum conversation with @timbeiko. The Besu team has now implemented the EIP-2565 gas pricing and is seeing the correct results for all test vectors.

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Peep an EIP-2565 with Kelly Olson

Migrating discussion from Update EIP-2565 to clarify specification by ineffectualproperty · Pull Request #2892 · ethereum/EIPs · GitHub to here:


