And that’s great. Right? You will have made the network accessible to even more users. Resulting fees will still be lower (or equivalently since that’s what you seem to care about the most: delays will still be lower at a given price point) since otherwise those new low-marginal-utility users you have attracted won’t have any reason to stick around.
I agree that the cost of state growth is a serious problem that affects most blockchain networks currently in production, but like any cost it can be quantified and folded into the equation I was referring to as “whatever usability metric you do care about here”. The experiment still makes sense if we consider that additional term, right?
Vitalik’s article “Blockchain Resource Pricing” has some interesting discussion about the marginal social cost to the network as a function of the block size, and apparently he concludes that the curve is relatively flat in a neighborhood of the block size values commonly used today. Ironically this assumption lies at the very core of EIP-1559: At the promise that it will achieve better economic efficiency, and within the assumption that it’s acceptable to double the allowed block size overnight (the indirect market incentive introduced to try to keep that from happening is no guarantee that there won’t be substantial state growth – But maybe that’s okay for the time being until Ethereum 2 is fully functional).
So as far as I can tell if you turn out to be right and even a small increase in block size leads to an unmanageable explosion of social cost, this proposal is inevitably flawed, too.
I agree that this is a really hard problem, but my intuition also tells me that if you have been able to construct a more efficient gas price estimator on-chain one should also be able to replicate that estimator off-chain with at least similar properties. Why not try to verify that experimentally?