This is a pre-announcement and request for collaboration. I’m planning to write an EEP to define the Ethereum Network Upgrade Process. EEP-5 here primarily covers Ethereum 1.0 upgrades.
The ultimate goal is to have a well defined process which all client developer teams can stick to and use as orientation for the short- and mid-term Ethereum roadmap in terms of development milestones.
Seconded. I think this is a fantastic idea. As Ethereum matures as a technology and as a product, it’s essential that our engineering, governance, and project management processes mature as well, and this is an important step in that direction.
Now, that Constantinople is finalized, I would propose a rough schedule for a subsequent protocol upgrade (a.k.a. “Istanbul”?):
2019-01-16 (Wed) projected date for mainnet-hardfork (“Constantinople”)
2019-05-17 (Fri) hard deadline to accept proposals for “Istanbul”
2019-07-19 (Fri) soft deadline for major client implementations
2019-08-14 (Wed) projected date for testnet-hardfork (Ropsten, Görli, or ad-hoc testnet)
2019-10-16 (Wed) projected date for mainnet-hardfork (“Istanbul”)
That breaks down to a fixed 9-months cycle to release protocol upgrades accepted prior to the hard deadline in May to mainnet. All proposals accepted after that date should go into a subsequent hardfork nine months later.
Moving from an ad-hoc to a fixed hard fork schedule is a good change from my point of view. It will ensure that new client features are adopted much faster than it is the case now (e.g. Parity recently introduced improvements to their block propagation algorithm which should decrease the network uncle rate, but as long as not all miners update their Parity nodes, we won’t see any significant improvement).
A 9 month cycle seems a bit long and might cause lots of changes to be introduced in a single fork. Going for a 3 or 6 month cycle would allow to generally only roll out forks that focus on a few new features which are easier to test & adopt.
(definitely I am ready to be corrected @5chdn and @karalabe as I may be off the mark in my comments here!)
How does this EEP-5 Harkfork Process fit in with the steps described in EEP-1 for Consensus-related forks? And will we leave lesser kinds of releases up to individual client devs, perhaps defining an EEP-10 which they can generally follow?
Probably the key thing that stands out is the coordination of testing and testnet-ing.
smoke testing
testnet rehearsal
testnet rollout
mainnet rehearsal
mainnet rollout
Are perhaps the rehearsals not necessary in EEP-5, or is there another flow you would propose for the more general Hardfork Process?
Perhaps there is a sort of inheritance from EEP-5 into EEP-1, in which EEP-1 adds some steps because it involves changes to the consensus protocol?
Also, it might be good to list out the likely changes going into non-hardfork and hardfork releases, w/ tags we can all agree on across repos, then describing which EEE applies.
e.g. data, p2p, les, json-rpc, rlp-encoding, evm … or evm-opcodes?, consensus