Edinburgh Decentralization Index - Invitation to Contribute

Dear Ethereum Community,

The Edinburgh Decentralisation Index (EDI) is a project of the Blockchain Technology Laboratory (BTL) at the University of Edinburgh which will measure the decentralization of blockchain systems. The EDI will be used by regulators, developers, and blockchain users alike for different purposes. For instance, regulators can use it to help decide whether a cryptocurrency constitutes a security. Developers and users can use it to decide which chain is safer to build and use applications.

We are currently looking to extend the EDI by adding support for more blockchains. We would like to request your assistance in providing access to a full node as a data source, or to point us to someone in the community who might be interested in contributing. Other forms of contribution are also possible, see our GitHub repository.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

Mojtaba Tefagh

Blockchain Programme Manager

School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh

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