Council of Prague Agenda Topics

I felt this might be the best place for continuation of said “meta-discussion”–

@tomislavmamic and I had a great little call yesterday, where we caught up regarding our experience and expectations. We agreed that a great next step might be getting the “Ring Wranglers” @ChainSafe @noot and any of the leads on existing Rings who seem to have a strong vision for what these sessions might look like, structurally and in terms of outcomes, onto a call.

Maybe after the coming week’s volunteer call, we can have a quick followup with a handful of inspired parties to better flesh out what sorts of resources we can put into place for the beginnings of Meta-Magical organization (as per @boris highlighting W3C structure here Taking inspiration from W3C)

Rather than attempting to “reign in” or proscribe what these sessions look like, I see this as an opportunity to prepare some basic templating and resources for those who might have a strong idea of what they want to talk about, but have no idea how to go about having a productive working session on that.

Essentially by seeing who’s excited to have this convo, and what their expectations might be, we can start to flesh out some core tools here. @boris if you think it will fit into the main volunteers call we can indeed shoehorn, I just thought it might be good as a “breakout group” so to speak. Thoughts welcome!