Consensus of Attention - (due to the recent Geth/fork/vulnerability)

Consensus of Attention - (due to the recent Geth/fork/vulnerability)

ETH Magicians my wonderful DEVs I do NOT want your energy, skills, and progress lost due to a
LACK of ATTENTION… a Consensus of Attention (COA) mechanism needs to be implemented to at least assert that a majority-of-your-node-runners are paying “Attention” and ready to respond to future upgrades and vulnerabilities…

To avoid recent vulnerabilities, a very simple Geth restart is needed to eliminate found threats…
Honestly, it couldn’t be easier than a restart to protect the network…

However, since there is NO mechanism that asserts a Consensus of Attention you have NO assertion that node runners are aware of an upcoming update/fix that is needed…
Thus this very important, easy Geth upgrade, is being unknowingly missed/overlooked due to a LACK of ATTENTION… and now a chain fork exploit is present. ;(

New Freedoms are being born on the backs of crypto and ETH is the juice that’s driving public adoption due to its unfathomable and world-shattering potential…
However if a simple upgrade (consisting of restarting Geth) is overlooked due to a LACK of ATTENTION… then decades of trust and progress will be lost…

Consensus of Attention
Does NOT assert that you will have Consensus that your upgrade will be accepted…
It does NOT assert that BAD actors won’t be present in those received messages…
However, Consensus of Attention will at least give the GOOD actors a fighting chance to overcome the threat and adopt your hard work and DEV efforts.

DEVs utilizing some type of Consensus of Attention mechanism will at least give a leg up from standard Best-Effort public-messaging… where you just wait/pray for node adoption…

If there was some type of Consensus of Attention mechanism utilized before vulnerable information was released… then this would delay things just long enough until a majority of node runners were AWARE anything was happening at all…
Thus once you know you have a Consensus of Attention then you can divulge the fix/error/info accordingly and give the GOOD actors enough time to make sure the upgrade has a higher consensus than the older SW.

In the current release, you can see this is NOT the case…
1.10.6 is leading the pack…
1.10.8 marginally 2nd…
with COA you either would have converged faster… or possibly not have forked…

If we simply gain Consensus of Attention before releasing upgrades/announcements then even a forked chain wouldn’t have much traction.

Don’t let your efforts die in vain… gain Consensus of Attention before future releases please :wink:



Issue at Hand
coindesk . com /tech /2021 /08/27/ ethereum-faces-chain-split-as-node-operators-fail-to-update-geth-hotfix/