Call for agenda signup for 2nd AllERCDevs (EU/US Friendly) 2023-06-01 UTC1500

Hi all, you are invited to join the 2nd AllERCDevs on June 1st UTC1500

AllERCDevs is a regular meeting for ERC authors and contributors as well as dApp builders to come together to collaborate and advance open standardization.

Signup the agenda here: Agenda for 2nd AllERCDevs (EU/US Friendly) 2023-06-01 UTC1500 · Issue #2 · ercref/AllERCDevs · GitHub

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Link Tomorrow

Zoom Meeting Link: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Meeting ID: 886 9452 9887
Passcode: 338406

Agenda snapshot

A placeholder for signing up the agenda for second session of AllERCDevs

The time of event will be

  • 2023-06-01 UTC 1500-1559 Thursday*, which translates to

  • 08:00-08:59 on 2023-06-01 Thursday in US Pacific Time.

  • 11:00-11:59 on 2023-06-01 Thursday in US Eastern Time.

  • 23:00-23:59 on 2023-06-01 Thursday in Singapore.

The event will be hosted on Zoom, a link will be posted on “all-erc-devs” channel on this Discord Server

Agenda will be updated and please feel free to comment to signup your agenda items.


Main Session (1h)

  1. [ ] (15-20min) Featured Talk: Wallet Test Framework(WTF) by @SamWilsn
  2. (10min) Demo Show & Tell (5-10min per slot)
  1. (30min) ERC Peer Review Requests (5-10min per slot)

Social Hour (30m)

  • TODO decide social hour topics

Please feel free to signup the agenda slot by commenting Below.

Thanks for coming today. Recordings will be shared soon. And before that feel free to view the

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Hey, I am sorry I missed it again, but the meeting was supposed to happen early this morning for me. I saw the notification only later. We need more planning. Can we use a shared Google Calendar or something similar?

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No worries @sullof. Feel free to signup for the 3rd one! You could also subscribe to

You could also fill in this form with your email and I can add you to the calendar invite manually too. Interest for AllERCDevs

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