Bit Based Permission

Access Control List is a powerful tool to manage roles and permissions, it improved the security and prevent unwanted actors to interactive with smart contracts. But there are many issues that weren’t solved in eip-5982, please check the following list:

  • Role doesn’t reflect the permissions, a role in eip-5982 represent by a string we don’t know the detail of its rights
  • Verification cost is high, to verify a role, we need to perform keccak256 and compare with the value in hashmap, this approach is quite costly when you want to check multiple roles.
  • Unable to organize the priority of permissions, there is no standard to compare the important between role/permissions, since all are strings.

What would make Bit Based Permission better?.

The basic concept of this proposal is, using uint256 to store permission since it’s supported natively by the EVM. We can defined up to 256 permissions, each bit of an uint256 will be represent a permission (1 single permission is power of 2). What do we benefit from this approach?.

  • Role reflect permissions, since permissions were defined as power of 2, we can use OR operator to combine new role based on multiple permissions. We know exactly, what a role contains.
  • Cheaper verification cost, to verify a role or a subset of permission we just need to do a simple AND operator on a permission bitmask. It’s much more cheaper than keccak256(string).
  • Ordering permission by priority, We can use the most significant bit to represent for important permission, the comparison can be done easily since it all are uint256.
  • Flexibility, 256 permissions can be combined to create up to 2²⁵⁶ different role. It would be enough for any complex ecosystem.

With the addition of the metadata extension, I think this is looking great!

If I were working on a wallet, and I wanted to use these permissions, how would I do that? For example, let’s say there’s an ERC-721 token that supports IEIP6617Meta and has functions like:

function setPermissions(uint256 tokenId, address grantee, uint256 permissions);
function getPermissions(uint256 tokenId, address grantee) returns (uint256);

This token might have permissions like:

Bit Name Description
0x01 transfer can change the owner of the token
0x02 burn can destroy the token
0x04 modify can change the tokenUri of the token

Feels like we need:

  • some way to indicate which function arguments are permissions, and
  • some way to enumerate permissions.

Does that seem reasonable?

I’d omit the setDescription function from the interface. It feels very similar to mint, where only the contract creator would use it and so doesn’t need to be standardized.

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Hi @SamWilsn,

I think your suggest is reasonable. I and Victor will have discuss on this.

Regarding to:

  • some way to enumerate permissions.

I think It would be the best if it was support at language level enums with specified values · Issue #4638 · ethereum/solidity · GitHub but it won’t be supported as a part of Solidity. Define constants are so expensive we still finding a good solution for it.