AllERCDevs S2E2 next Tuesday

The upcoming session highlights 
- Seaport v1.6 and hooks architecture shared by @z0age from @OpenSea
- ERC-7529 DNS over HTTPS for contract discovery, and eTLD+1 Association @TtheBC01
- and ERC-7529 and ERC-5169 (Client Script URI) by @Victor928. 
We are glad to have @optimizoor (#Solady lead dev), @ricmoo (author of #EthersJS), @gnidan (driver of @ethdebug, formerly lead maintainer of @trufflesuite), @frangio_ (formerly lead smart contract developer of @OpenZeppelin) planning to join and help review or discuss. (and we welcome more)

See more details

Feel free to share with your builder friends / team or community or whoever cares about open interoperability

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