Execution Layer Meeting 202 · Issue #1209 · ethereum/pm · GitHub moderated by @timbeiko
Agenda summary
by @Nixo (Copied from Twitter)
- Pectra:
- Testnet update (who: EL & CL devs)
- New EIP! EIP-7840 introduces a constant blobSchedule in the genesis file, allowing the protocol to define target & max blobs. General support from EL teams. More info in agenda. (who: EL devs)
- Update EIP-7702 to support uint256 chain IDs. Proposed by @Optimism (who: rollups)
- AllCoreDev process improvements. Change when we move EIPs from “considered for inclusion” to “scheduled for inclusion” (who: Protocol Support, anyone interested in the process)
Specific ask: Should EIP-4444 bump the protocol version or not? Needs input from execution devs. More info in agenda linked above
- General update: Progress is being made w some contention on when to target for dropping history & should history be dropped in an update or should node operators be given a flag to drop premerge history? & does it require coordination? Most consensus is ‘probably a good idea’ w minority opposition. Suggested target May 1st.
- Oppose removal of NewBlock & NewBlockHashes. These removals make the protocol incompatible w blockchains that aren’t PoS (who: @0xPolygon, app devs bridging b/t Ethereum & non-merged networks)
- EIP-7808: Meta EIP that reserves a range of tx types for Rollup Improvement Proposals (RIPs) to avoid conflicts w EIPs if using the same identifiers