#2 ETHProduct Community Call (notes + video)

Agenda (how to participate, and time/date): https://hackmd.io/GY0b9TdaSEuvjbVqDoXKKA?both

We are having the second ETHProduct call soon next week on the 11th. You will find all details you need in there.


Recording of the community call https://youtube.com/watch?v=omQ4qsCNx1Q

Hey there! Looking to update that Google sheet I created recently - is there a single, consistent thread where calls will be announced or is it just on this forum somewhere?

Same question for call recurrence. thanks

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I try to announce it in the magicians forum within the product management category: Product Management Ring - Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians

Call recurrence is roughly about every 2 weeks ~ but forum thread with agenda and incoming community call notice goes up as soon as a call is organised.

Lmk if you have any other questions :slight_smile:

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