Proposal for adding blockTimestamp to logs object returned by eth_getLogs and related requests


Currently, most contract events that act on the notion of time do not add timestamp information as it is already available on the block where the event occurs. This saves them the extra gas cost of adding timestamps to the events.

Unfortunately eth_getLogs do not provide the timestamp as part of the log objects returned. And so indexers that fetches these events using eth_getLogs, need to make one extra request for each different block to get the timestamps at which these events happen.

This significantly reduces the speed at which such an indexer can compute the state from the events. With an eth_getLogs you can get thousands of events and process them but for events that require timestamp information, you indeed currently need to perform thousands of requests more for it.

This is especially difficult for indexers that run in-browsers where each user would have to perform all the extra requests. Also in such an environment, EIP-1193 prevents them from using batch requests, which could have alleviated the issue.

Ideally, the log object returned by eth_getLogs would include the block’s timestamp along the block’s hash and number.


Here is the spec for eth_getLogs with the added blockTimestamp field

eth_getLogs {#eth_getlogs}

Returns an array of all logs matching a given filter object.


  1. Object - The filter options:
  • fromBlock: QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest") Integer block number, or "latest" for the last mined block or "pending", "earliest" for not yet mined transactions.
  • toBlock: QUANTITY|TAG - (optional, default: "latest") Integer block number, or "latest" for the last mined block or "pending", "earliest" for not yet mined transactions.
  • address: DATA|Array, 20 Bytes - (optional) Contract address or a list of addresses from which logs should originate.
  • topics: Array of DATA, - (optional) Array of 32 Bytes DATA topics. Topics are order-dependent. Each topic can also be an array of DATA with “or” options.
  • blockhash: DATA, 32 Bytes - (optional, future) With the addition of EIP-234, blockHash will be a new filter option which restricts the logs returned to the single block with the 32-byte hash blockHash. Using blockHash is equivalent to fromBlock = toBlock = the block number with hash blockHash. If blockHash is present in in the filter criteria, then neither fromBlock nor toBlock are allowed.

params: [ { topics: [ “0x000000000000000000000000a94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b”, ], }, ]

Array - Array of log objects, with following params:

  • removed: TAG - true when the log was removed, due to a chain reorganization. false if its a valid log.
  • logIndex: QUANTITY - integer of the log index position in the block. null when its pending log.
  • transactionIndex: QUANTITY - integer of the transactions index position log was created from. null when its pending log.
  • transactionHash: DATA, 32 Bytes - hash of the transactions this log was created from. null when its pending log.
  • blockHash: DATA, 32 Bytes - hash of the block where this log was in. null when its pending. null when its pending log.
  • blockNumber: QUANTITY - the block number where this log was in. null when its pending. null when its pending log.
    - blockTimestamp: QUANTITY - the unix timestamp for when the block where this log was in, was collated. null when its pending. null when its pending log.
  • address: DATA, 20 Bytes - address from which this log originated.
  • data: DATA - contains one or more 32 Bytes non-indexed arguments of the log.
  • topics: Array of DATA - Array of 0 to 4 32 Bytes DATA of indexed log arguments. (In solidity: The first topic is the hash of the signature of the event (e.g. Deposit(address,bytes32,uint256)), except you declared the event with the anonymous specifier.)

Was originally posted on the ethereum/execution-apis repo


I absolutely, 100% support this issue.

It would speed up our processing when building our index by nearly double.

The shortcoming of eth_getLogs came up recently in the Erigon issues (feature request: add field`timestamp` to `eth_getLogs` response · Issue #4951 · ledgerwatch/erigon · GitHub). For a short time, it was in eth_getLogs, but it was moved to erigon_getLogs because they reserve the eth_ namespace for “standards.” (In other words, there’s already an existing implementation.)

This is a simple win for every RPC user who uses logs and needs timestamps on those logs, as it immediately lessens the number of RPC queries by nearly half.

Such a change is also backwards compatible, since the timestamp field didn’t exist in the past, adding it shouldn’t break anything (except possibly some test cases, but those can be easily updated).


adding timestamp to eth_getLogs is a hill i will die on every day of the week

not only does it greatly reduce the speed of client building indices, but also reduces server load since you already have the ts in the block header for your getlogs query.

beyond indices, it would also allow web3 frontends to much easier display historical events with real timestamp instead of just block, which I think would be super benificial for non native user accessibility


I was about to make this issue, but it’s already here.

Fundamentally, most eth UIs have to show two things, current state and history (actions taken, transfers sent and received, etc).

For the first, we have eth_call. For the second, we have eth_get[Filter]Logs. Nearly 100% of the time you are querying logs, you need timestamps to go with them.

(This is also true if it’s an intermediate indexer, rather than a UI directly, that’s doing the querying.) In fact I’m curious to see a real-world use of eth_getLogs are that doesn’t also up querying block timestamps.

This seems like a nice win:

  • Backward compatible (no existing fields removed or modified)
  • Self-contained
  • Likely a small diff in all node implementations
  • Easy to roll out gradually (if some RPC providers/nodes/etc have it and others don’t, no existing code breaks)

Is there any workaround for this in order to avoid making hundreds of thousands of RPC calls that can take an infeasibly long amount of time? I’m not looking to get the block timestamp specifically, but other consensus-level data that can be obtained with getBlockByNumber.

What ever happened to this obviously useful idea?


This add would be extremely useful indeed, and this might be a great add as well so that we won’t be bothered by having to make an additional call to get the timestamp but also any information in the block.
For this, we could include an optional bool for the “full block” information that would as well return the information of the block that the event was emitted from.

+1 for this idea. Super useful.

Reth already has this implemented: feat(rpc): add block timestamp to logs by cairoeth · Pull Request #7606 · paradigmxyz/reth · GitHub

It would be great if the other EL teams could try to do so as well, as this only really works when all RPCs have it.

+1 support this, some clients and apis already implement it

+1 this would be amazing.