Testnet workgroup: Paths out of the Goerli supply mess

If there was a way to trustlessly turn like 0.00128 ETH into 128 goerli eth that’s baked into the protocol, specifically that the goerli eth is minted out of nowhere, and the real ethereum disappears, then I would be more in favor of it.

But testnets should be free to use. Adding an optional price tag is fine, but there should be ways of acquiring goerli / testnet eth that don’t involve your wallet.

The biggest problem with such a market is that it introduces a financial benefit for farming funds.
It is a huge drawback for any free distributing system / established faucet, because farming activity will be increased drastically.
Get something for free that you can sell afterwards is a great way for degens to make money - they don’t care if it breaks anything if they can get some $ for it (from my experience these are mostly indian / chinese users… they’re worse than blowflies if there’s something “free” on the table).

So if we allow such markets and introduce a price to goerli funds, we’re breaking all free faucets and making them impossible to operate in future.

I don’t think that’s worth it.
Testnets are meant to be free!
If they wouldn’t, you could directly deploy to mainnet too.

Currently there are enough faucets left that drop small amounts of funds (including my PoW one). These drops should be more than enough to deploy contracts and test interactions.
You normally don’t need bigger amounts of funds for testing. (except testing staking setups, but there will be a new testnet for that soon)
So please don’t break these remaining faucets and keep goerli free for everyone like it should be!

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This. Don’t buy goerli eth. Don’t sell goerli eth. If you have goerli eth you don’t need, give it away.

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It’s a pleasure to communicate with you here, I hope our communication is calm.

First of all, let me explain that faucet-dao is not the first person to do goerli eth over-the-counter trading, there have been people trading goerli eth for a long time. Faucet-dao just put the pool on uniswap, so that more people can conduct simple transactions goerli eth instead of p2p transactions.

The second point, is it free faucet, really completely free ?We all know that in addition to the official Ethereum faucets, some of the faucets that get goerli eth need to register an account, and some need to retweets, which indirectly promote the project. These behaviors that bring traffic, I think, can be counted as the income of the project, and they can obtain good financing through these data. As for pow faucets, you can let us mine valuable coins, all power is in your hands.I don’t think trading goerli eth will break free faucets, the core of current free faucets is not completely free.They have their own additional benefits.

The third point, you said that the testnet should be free, which I don’t think is entirely true. What are the useful and free things in this world besides air? Goerli eth is very useful for developers, if it is scarce it will have a price, if it is in large quantities, its price will approach 0. I think the official should provide a free testnet, and the pos pledge of goerli-net should be free. This is all done, you just need to be in sepolia, then you are free. I’m a developer and I know it’s important to have a development environment closer to the eth mainnet. We are willing to pay one dollar or two to get an open pos network, not a fake pos network. This is completely different from the thousands of dollars of deployment contracts on the Ethereum mainnet.

The thing is, as soon as testnet ethereum has value, suddenly acquiring it requires KYC. This is not something that all developers are willing (or able!) to do.


Well since the last post here, Layerzero just launched a bridge between Goerli ETH and Mainnet ETH and a corresponding Uniswap pool. Officially, creating a market for Goerli ETH. Starting price $0.10 for 1 Goerli ETH.

I completely agree with @sole12343 and laid out very simiar points in my reply to Layer Zero’s announcement even before seeing this post.

In summary, this is actually a good thing because creating a market for Goerli ETH means that more people will actually get Goerli ETH now not less.

  1. Free creates scarcity. The more popular ETH becomes, the more scarcity there will be of Goerli ETH
  2. Creating a price for Goerli ETH creates a market which incentivizes people to supply Goerli ETH
  3. If you want to prevent people being priced out of testnet ETH, the solution is to keep the supply high and flood the market with testnet ETH.

Finally as @sole12343 and I have both said, testnet eth has never really been free. Either we paid with time by going to different services or with attention to companies that got marketing exposure by providing testnet eth.

We’ve already been paying for testnet crypto. This simply adds money as one of the options.

I would like to reiterate that I’d don’t want to do KYC to get testnet Ethereum, thank you very much. Putting a price on Gorli ether means that less people can get Gorli ether, not more. I didn’t think I needed to say that money isn’t free, but here I am.

Edit: It also makes Gorli ether taxable. And I’d rather not be taxed for something that is supposed to be worthless by design.


This, and also you have the tax liability on running a validator on Goerli now.

I will exit my validators after Shapella and sunset my public services unless the community wishes to contract me for continuing my services.

Goerli is no longer a public good with the launch of the testnet bridge. It’s a liability for everyone who used it in the past 4 years under the assumption it was free as in free testnet.

That said, Goerli is permissionless. Nobody can stop traders and nobody can stop validators. If the community decides they want to maintain this as a “incentiviced testnet,” there is nothing anyone can do about it.

However, that was never the intention.

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Hi everyone, I feel like I’m knocking on the wrong door, but I’m hoping someone can point me in the right direction for acquiring Holesky testnet tokens. It seems we sadly missed Genesis distribution - what’s the best way to go about it now? We want to ensure we’re able to supply our customers through faucets.tatum.io.