Removing or Increasing the Contract Size Limit

A big motivation for eWasm is to allow for a large number of HLLs to target Ethereum contracts, and that is a goal of the EVM Evolution project as well. So counting on better HLLs isn’t going to help.

And moving to even smaller contract sizes is going to make migrating code from the existing blockchain to Serenity shards even more difficult, as many EVM programs are not going to fit when transpiled to eWasm.


First of all, Thanks for your feedback. Please Allow me to address some of your concerns.

fixed costs associated with compiling/preprocessing the contract get big

  1. There are no costs attached with compiling as contracts are compiled by the user and not the nodes.
  2. I am proposing to make the fixed costs of preprocessing/loading the smart contracts variable. Please refer to the first post for details.

Merkle proofs for the contract get big. You can solve (ii) by adding a “tree inside a tree” mechanism like we do for storage

As I understand, trees for the storage are required because the storage can change in every transaction and hence Merkle proofs are required to be generated every time. However, contract code is fixed and hence the Merkle proof needs to be generated only while deployment of the contract. As the cost of deployment goes up with contract size, I don’t think this is an Issue. (I am not entirely sure if we need to generate fresh merkle proof of contract code with every tx or not. It doesn’t sound like something we’ll need to do but I am not sure.)

How could we improve HLLs to make this a non-issue? Maybe delegatecall contraptions where each function definition is stored in a separate contract? That could actually be really good for code redundancy.

Please refer to the limitations of Delegate call in my first post. It basically makes everything much more expensive for the nodes and the callers. Also, as @gcolvin mentioned, “A big motivation for eWasm is to allow for a large number of HLLs to target Ethereum contracts, and that is a goal of the EVM Evolution project as well. So counting on better HLLs isn’t going to help.”

the proposal in serenity is to make the code size cap even smaller (~12kb for code+storage combined)

This is going to be a deal breaker for a lot of dApp developers. Have you talked to people actually building on top of Ethereum about this? All major dApps will break.

12KB isn’t enough to even make a dispatcher that stores (many) contract addresses to call against function selectors, parse incoming call to detect the function selector, delegatecall to the relevant address. You also need space for the actual storage.

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However, contract code is fixed and hence the Merkle proof needs to be generated only while deployment of the contract.

False. Because the crosslink committee that is verifying a block does not have the state ahead of time, it will need to generate a fresh Merkle proof, effectively meaning that every time a contract is called translates to a significant amount of bandwidth, including the entire contract code.

12KB isn’t enough to even make a dispatcher that stores (many) contract addresses to call against function selectors, parse incoming call to detect the function selector, delegatecall to the relevant address. You also need space for the actual storage.

It’s definitely enough in EVM! And if EVM can do this in 1 KB (which I’m confident it can; it’s just a simple matter of mstore(28, calldataload(0)); if mload(0) == 0x12345678: call(foo); if mload(0) == 0x9abcdef0: call(bar)....) and EWASM somehow can’t, then to me that would be evidence that the EWASM plan should just be scrapped in its entirety and we should just adopt a modified version of EVM that uses 64 bits as its base stack value size with other improvements like maybe SIMD and banning dynamic jumps.

Proxy patterns make calls to contracts a lot more expensive as the Proxy has to copy the parameters make an external delegate call every time.

How is copying parameters expensive? It’s only maybe ~100 gas. In practice, the gas consumption of function calls is tiny compared to the gas consumed for tx data, SSTORE, SLOAD, LOG, ETH send and similar operations.

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False. Because the crosslink committee that is verifying a block does not have the state ahead of time

I admit that I haven’t kept up with the 2.0 specs and all my statements are based on eth 1.x. Consider this a proposal for eth 1.x. I don’t believe there is anything like crosslink committee in eth 1.x.

it’s just a simple matter of mstore(28, calldataload(0)); if mload(0) == 0x12345678: call(foo); if mload(0) == 0x9abcdef0: call(bar).... )

It’s not… call won’t work. We’ll need to use delegate calls and handle the parameters (return and function parameters). Address of the contracts will need to be hardcoded which will take space. An average contract can have ~50 functions (including internal functions). Storing full address for each function will require a decent amount of space. As you are suggesting that 12KB will be limit for storage + code, that will leave a lot less space available for storage and contracts will just break. Even ERC20 tokens with a lot of holders won’t fit in the remaining space. Also, please refer to other drawbacks of delegatecall methods that I mentioned in the first post.

How is copying parameters expensive?

Copying the parameters is not the main concern here. Needing to make an extra external call (delegatecall) is. It will increase the cost of an average erc20 transfer by 5-10% (~2500 gas).

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The addresses can be dynamically generated if you use CREATE2. An O(1) fowarder would just look like: delegatecall(hash(0xff + self + mload(0) + hash(init_code))).

An average contract can have ~50 functions (including internal functions)

You don’t necessarily need one contract per function; if you want to save on contract count, then you can group functions as well. The point is that this would be HLL-level pagination, and regardless of the page size the forwarder can be made to be O(1).

Even ERC20 tokens with a lot of holders won’t fit in the remaining space.

The goal is that per-user storage (or really any storage that is not O(1)) would live in separate contracts (see eg. the examples here: Common classes of contracts and how they would handle ongoing storage maintenance fees ("rent") - Economics - Ethereum Research). This is a good idea anyway because it makes rent accounting much cleaner; the storage belonging to a particular beneficiary is stored in a contract that the beneficiary themselves is responsible for paying the ETH to kep up. Rent/hibernation/waking schemes that keep the current monolithic O(N)-sized storage tree model tend to be much more complicated.

Needing to make an extra external call (delegatecall) is. It will increase the cost of an average erc20 transfer by 5-10% (~2500 gas).

This is an artefact of present-day gas costs, not necessarily a reflection of costs in reality. If you go back to the discussion in 2016 that led to the current 700 gas cost for delegatecall (see eg. Long-term gas cost changes for IO-heavy operations to mitigate transaction spam attacks · Issue #150 · ethereum/EIPs · GitHub), one of the competing proposals (option 2) was effectively a gas cost that scales with contract size. If that had been implemented, then modular contract structures would be favored because they would not load parts of code that don’t need to be accessed, so the total gas cost of making calls would be lower.

Additionally, delegatecall is expensive in part because of known weaknesses in the current gas cost model (eg. self-calling, and calling a contract that was already called in the same block, are gas-expensive despite being cheap in reality) which should not be taken as a given; if we are making changes to the code these isuses can be remedied.

If eth1.x is going in a stateless client direction then the byte size of contracts becomes a large cost component, and so we should adopt version 2 of EIP 150 as that would more accurately reflect costs, and we should favor contract modularity. If eth1.x is not going in a stateless client direction (ie. it’s doing rent), then the cost of loading large amounts of code is lower; I suppose we would ask the experts to determine whether the per-page loading cost is sufficiently high that favoring contract modularity is optimal. If loading any amount of data up until a few dozen kilobytes is basically O(1) and we’re not doing stateless clients, then I would agree that bumping up the max contract size is optimal.


Except we don’t have space to store the init_code.

Additionally, delegatecall is expensive in part because of known weaknesses in the current gas cost model (eg. self-calling, and calling a contract that was already called in the same block, are gas-expensive despite being cheap in reality) which should not be taken as a given; if we are making changes to the code these isuses can be remedied.

Agreed. cost for calling the same contract again in a single transaction should be much lower.

The net call cost will still remain higher in paging model than if a bigger contract size was allowed. Imagine a case where the contract size is 30KB. If it is split into two pages + dispatcher, we’ll still have to make at least 2 extra full price delegatecalls (dispatcher to page 1 then dispatcher to page 2) and multiple “cheaper” delegate calls (page to dispatcher and repetitive dispatcher to page calls) which will still be slightly more expensive than internal calls due to parameter copying. If contract size of >24KB was allowed, it will only cost the caller ~1000 extra gas to pay for the extra code size.

Paging is more resource heavy due to random reads than loading a big contract which is sequential read. It’s fair that gas costs reflect this but this begs the question, what’s the advantage of using paging? The stateless client will anyway have to fetch the code of all the loaded pages which will, in fact, be larger because it will contain the paging logic. Paging will only make sense if the functions are independent of each other. Which rarely is the case.

Thanks for pointing towards the resources, I’ll have a read!

Except we don’t have space to store the init_code .

Only need to store the hash of the init code :slight_smile:

The net call cost will still remain higher in paging model than if a bigger contract size was allowed. Imagine a case where the contract size is 30KB. If it is split into two pages + dispatcher, we’ll still have to make at least 2 extra full price delegatecalls (dispatcher to page 1 then dispatcher to page 2) and multiple “cheaper” delegate calls (page to dispatcher and repetitive dispatcher to page calls) which will still be slightly more expensive than internal calls due to parameter copying. If contract size of >24KB was allowed, it will only cost the caller ~1000 extra gas to pay for the extra code size.

Are you predicting that the average call will end up executing code from every piece of a contract? In an eth2 context, that sounds like a big problem if true! Though I don’t think it’s true; checking Uniswap for example, every call only ends up making maybe 1-2 sub-calls, and there’s a pretty natural pagination between {small utility functions, big function 1, big function 2 ... }. Would definitely be interested in seeing a deeper study of this though!

Only need to store the hash of the init code :slight_smile:

We can just store pre-computed address at that point. Doesn’t make sense to compute it on the fly.

In an eth2 context, that sounds like a big problem if true!

I guess contracts can be re-architectured to overcome this problem. However, In most calls, you’ll need to load at least 3 pages (main dispatcher, utility function page, main function page). That requires 3 random read i/o blocks. If it were a monolithic single contract, It would have required only 1 block read (Most SSD have block size > 512 KB). This means it will be more taxing for the full nodes to process paged contracts.

I agree that for stateless clients, it’s better to have paged contracts if they are architectured properly. I don’t see many people using stateless clients though.

That being said, I don’t see this as a big problem for even stateless clients. If anyone was going to dos stateless clients, they can just create 24KB contracts and call an empty function on each of them. As the cost of CALL is going to increase as the size of contract increase over 24KB, It won’t make a difference if the griefer uses 24KB contracts or 32KB.

The effect of average daily use will be minimal and worth the advantages IMO.

Agree with @maxsam4, current limitation restrict developers to develop complex logic, usage of multiple contracts increase the number of files which are hard to manage.


The vector abstraction of SIMD gives you 64 bit (and other powers of 2) stack items as one-element vectors. I think @expede has a more interesting idea of switching the default 256-bit operators to work with natural numbers of unlimited size.

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We can just store pre-computed address at that point. Doesn’t make sense to compute it on the fly.

But if the init code is shared, then it’s O(1). Storing pre-computed addresses would be O(N).

I agree that for stateless clients, it’s better to have paged contracts if they are architectured properly. I don’t see many people using stateless clients though.

As mentioned, in an eth2 context half of all validation will be done in “stateless” mode, and in the worst case more than half because fraud proofs are stateless. For eth1.x I agree the situation is not the same.

So this does sound to me like paging makes sense for eth2, but doesn’t make sense for eth1.x unless we end up going with the stateless client route for state size control. So that suggests we should wait for @AlexeyAkhunov’s proposals and see whether stateless clients or rent or some hybrid work best and go from there?

I think @expede has a more interesting idea of switching the default 256-bit operators to work with natural numbers of unlimited size.

That sounds cool! In principle, I definitely think that only two types of numbers make sense for a VM to have: 64 bit, and unlimited size. If we have the code for doing fixed-size bigint math, then it seems like the sort of thing that would be easy to adapt to sizes of different powers of two.

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But if the init code is shared, then it’s O(1). Storing pre-computed addresses would be O(N).

Ah so you are talking about the case where pages share the same/similar code and are used for rent distribution. I was thinking more about paging to divide functions into different pages.

I think this should be independent of rent as bigger contract size shouldn’t affect rent calculation. I agree that rent will require re-architecture of a lot of existing smart contracts to divide the rent costs among users but that’s more of a design question and not something that can be forced.

If we increase focus on stateless clients, then I’d agree that their bandwidth requirements will increase a little but I think the increase will be marginal in real and not of much significance. The increase in resource requirements if we increase block gas limit by even 50% will be much more (>5 times by my guess) than the increase caused by this change. I’d argue that this change is worth the minor resource requirements increase.

Tagging @karalabe for his thoughts as he is working on reducing state size.

I am still wrangling with the data on the stateless client, to complete my post, but I would propose (in the 4th version of State fees/rent proposal) to only introduce stateless clients approach for contract storage items. I am currently missing data on whether size of the block proofs (witnesses) for contract storage eventually overtook the block proof for accounts and for the code size, because at the block 5.4m those 3 components were roughly on par. That is it to say, that byte codes played significant part in the block proof, and increasing contract sizes can push it up even further.
Even if we were to go with the pagination approach, we need still look at the compilers to try to optimise the code so that the code of specific functions are partitioned well (i.e. usual function calls do not end up touching all the pages).

In general, I would approach this proposal with caution, and also in the context of other EIPs that propose to change EVM, most notable EIP-615. I would definitely welcome more research.

For example, it was noted that the code of the contract is inflated by the PUSHx opcodes storing data inline in the code. Perhaps, the solution to this is to use DATA segment approach that has been introduced into EIP-615?

Another point - some of the desire to put lots of code into a single contract stems from the fact that this code wishes to access the same storage, without calling wrapper contracts. Currently, it is very appealing, because reading storage (SLOAD) cots 200 gas, and any call to a wrapper adds an extra cost of 700 gas to that, so it ends up being 900. But the cost of SLOAD is likely to be increased 4x or 5x, because it is overpriced, so the relative win from co-locating the storage would decrease.


For example, it was noted that the code of the contract is inflated by the PUSHx opcodes storing data inline in the code. Perhaps, the solution to this is to use DATA segment approach that has been introduced into EIP-615?

As I understand, the DATA will still be part of the code and require to be fetched so it shouldn’t really affect the total code size by much. It will reduce the verification time though.

reading storage (SLOAD) cots 200 gas, and any call to a wrapper adds an extra cost of 700 gas to that, so it ends up being 900

Actual overhead is around 1500-2500 because we can’t directly access the storage of other contracts. We need to call a function in the external contract that will return the data we need (Applies to delegatecalls as well). The copying of data also ads to the cost. even if SLOAD costs are increased to 1000, it will still be 50% cheaper.

In general, I would approach this proposal with caution, and also in the context of other EIPs that propose to change EVM, most notable EIP-615. I would definitely welcome more research.

I totally agree with this.

IELE provides just the natural numbers, but I think it has fused mod operators like the EVM to work in any fixed modulus. Since the hardware supports fixed-width scalars and vectors of power-of-two sizes it makes sense to abstract that model, but EIP-616 is on hold as we wait for the Wasm spec for wide SIMD. eWasm will get SIMD by default when Wasm does; natural numbers could be coded as HLL libraries.

Part of the problem is that the higher-level concept corresponding to contracts with delegatecall isn’t the subroutine but the coroutine. So you can’t directly translate a program consisting of subroutines into a collection of contracts, even in languages like Go and Python that support coroutines. But subroutines are a subset of coroutines, so it should be doable.

You can use the Diamond Standard to solve the 24KB limit:

Consensys Diligence recently made a suggestion or recommendation that Codedefi’s implementation of ERC1400 use the Diamond Standard to handle the problem of maximum contract size limit.

Diamonds are ideal for contract systems like tokens that deal with a lot of state and code, because they help you organize your code around contract state without running into the max contract size.

An introduction to the Diamond Standard is here: Understanding Diamonds on Ethereum

Another possibility is to look at options to reduce the size of the byte code.

This could be done by using more opcodes. Not using all possible 256 opcodes consumes more space. For instance, new opcodes push-all-zeros and push-all-ones would reduce (future) byte code size.

Additionally, enhancing the compiler optimisation could consume less space.

Lastly, changes to the Solidity language, e.g. allowing constant arrays, faster calling techniques, could consume less space.

it’s time to replace solidity