Modification of EIP process to account for security treatments

I’ve said all of this before in other threads, so please forgive me for repeating myself.

I object to including security considerations surfaced after a proposal becomes final within the body of the proposal itself. To be clear, I do believe that these security considerations should be published somewhere, just not within the EIP.

My objection stems from the question of who has the authority to determine if a security disclosure is worthy of publishing. Within the EIP framework that exists today, there are two choices: authors and EIP Editors.

EIP Editors are not expected to have any technical knowledge about the proposals they oversee. Given the wide range of topics we see, it would be basically impossible to maintain any meaningful depth of expertise. Further, it’s important that the EIP process maintain credible neutrality. We don’t want to be put in a position where we could appear to make a decision for ulterior purposes, like personal gain. Choosing to (not) publish a vulnerability puts us in that position.

Authors, on the other hand, should be technical experts on their proposal, but should they be the ultimate authority on what is/isn’t a vulnerability? Once a proposal goes to final, I like to think of it as belonging to the community (where before final, it belongs to the author(s).) A contrived example here is with ERC-223: the proposal as written cannot differentiate between an EOA or a counterfactual contract (i.e. CREATE2) that hasn’t been deployed yet; one might argue that this should be mentioned in the Security Considerations section, since it can lead to loss of tokens. While that example is relatively harmless, I can certainly envision a scenario where an author is incentivized to prevent publishing of a vulnerability to protect their financial interests.

So if authors and EIP Editors are poor choices, what can we do? I see two options:

  • Publish every security disclosure without vetting, or
  • Publish no security disclosures.

Personally, I prefer the latter option.