ERC-7496: NFT Dynamic Traits


Some recent updates to the spec:

  • Based on feedback, we simplified the getters/setters to a much more concise list of just 3 getters and 1 setter
  • Removed the uri param in the TraitMetadataURIUpdated event since an onchain uri may get long and expensive to emit. The event simply lets offchain indexers know to go fetch the latest from getTraitMetadataURI()
  • Simplified the JSON schema and added more functionality
    • Added dataType and valueMappings
    • Added a validateOnSale property for marketplaces to know what values to guard orders on

Please take a look at these latest round of changes and let us know other things to consider.

Hi authors of ERC-7496, this is Victor, an EIP editor and current operator of AllERCDevs.

I like to invite you to our next AllERCDevs meeting (online) to present for 10min of your ERCs if you are interested!

AllERCDevs is a bi-weekly meeting for ERC authors, builders and editors to meet and help the drafting and adoption of an ERC. The next one is 2024-04-02 UTC 2300, let us know if this time works for you, I can put this ERC in the agenda, or you can add a response directly at (Future) 2024-04-02 (E2S2) AllERCDevs Agenda Thursday (Asia/US friendly time) · Issue #19 · ercref/AllERCDevs · GitHub