ERC-7092: Financial Bonds

sounds interesting.
Why that’s not been proposed as an EIP (on Ethereum) ?

it’s a chain-agnostic standard, not an ethereum standard. links to the documentation sites of other L1s aren’t really welcome in EIPs :smiley:

there’s basically a separate standing WG for that stuff:

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hello @bumblefudge,
Yes, I got it. I was asking why you the standard hasn’t been published as an EIP. What motivated the chain-agnostic choice ?

sorry not sure i follow. CAIP-2 and CAIP-10 allow EVM- and completely non-EVM chains to use an heirarchical URN scheme with sub-namespaces per L1 to share a mega-namespace. does that answer the question? an EIP could be written that just re-states the final CAIP, but i’d rather CAIPs just had equal status as EIPs in some contexts, that would be a better long-term outcome for the CAIP process (it would get better feedback/review from EIP authors, if nothing else!)

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