ERC-4400: ERC-721 Consumer Extension

Hi, how are you? I was discussing about this EIP these days.


I think maybe more robust way to face the problem of a standard way of understanding a role that is not the owner could be like roleOf(bytes32 tokenId, bytes4 roleId) returns (address) (or address[] as mentioned above).


This came up while reading

various metaverses use operator /contributor roles for Land

And also considreing “Mortgage/rental” use case mentioned above.


So this EIP would have a list of standard roles for NFTs (different than owner role) and the specification for each role could reside on newer EIPs linked from here.

This way wallets can then implement standard controls for standard behaviours on standard roles on NFTs.

Use case

Now you could say owner can make use of transfer and approve. With this EIP we could then say role: CONSUMER can utilise the token instances, without necessarily having ownership rights to it (as mentioned in the EIP). Then, other roles like role: TENANT, might add standard functions to query how long the rental is for or a function to extend rental, thus showing these operations in standard way in all wallets and platforms.

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