Entangled tokens

If this is the desired interaction, what you want I’m not sure is “tokens” but a separation of the roles of “creator” and “owner”? The ERC721 standard has an ownerOf inquiry function that tracks who owns a given token (which covers who currently purchased and owns the artwork). Often the collection overall has an “owner” that is the creator/manager of the collection overall, which in your scenario would be the artist that made the tokens. Inquiring who is the current owner of a given token, or who is the creator of a whole collection are also usually “view” functions, meaning the user doing the inquiry doesn’t need an on-chain transaction to get that data, it can be done with a free call to any Ethereum node.

If it’s needed for a human to be able to prove they are indeed “the artist” of the collection, they could sign a message from the address that is currently the owner of the collection, proving they are in control of the private key of that address at that moment.

If you’re envisioning a need for different artists/creators within one ERC721 token, the discussion over here about different roles added to a token standard, might be an option of a way to implement this, without it needing to be a completely separate standard?

Is there another use-case you’re thinking of where “entangled tokens” would be a useful way to track things?