Remote procedure call specification


It would perhaps be worthwhile to include all of 0x, 0x0, 0x00 for both Quantity and Data, to make the tables as explicit as possible.

For Quantity:

  • 0x - invalid - empty not a valid quantity
  • 0x0 - valid - interpreted as a quantity of zero
  • 0x00 - invalid - extra leading 0 digit

For Data:

  • 0x - valid - interpreted as empty data
  • 0x0 - invalid - each byte must be represented using two hex digits
  • 0x00 - valid - interpreted as a single zero byte

Good call @veox, updated. This type of feedback is valuable and very much appreciated.


For eth_estimateGas, how about adding a note for what should happen in different scenarios:

  • revert
  • throw
  • ran out of gas, at the pending block’s gas limit

In my opinion, it should return an “error” instead of a “result”. None of the error codes is an obvious match to me, so maybe we need a new code (or a few).

In the ethereum clients list you should also include Ganache. On a larger note, it’s important that clients focussed on testing also implement this interface correctly.

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This makes me incredibly happy as a library developer. Would love to contribute in any shape or form. I had begun work on a test suite which executed some known tests against various providers and output their result. Sort of a compliance framework. This was focused on the Provider signing behaviour (eth_sign).

Revert with Reason is another inconsistent response from RPC providers. Definitely documenting the error responses is just as important as documenting the success responses.

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How would you like to go about discussing defining the non-success error cases for things like eth_call.

This is an interesting “error” response since the eth_call can fail or a number of reasons (usual JSON RPC error, contract not found) and it can also fail and return data, such as the revert with reason. Last time I checked, Geth and Parity differ in how they return this data.

Geth && Ganache:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 824,
  "result": "0x08c379a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000017494e56414c49445f4f524445525f5349474e4154555245000000000000000000"


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 16,
  "error": {
    "code": -32015,
    "data": "Reverted 0x08c379a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f5452414e534645525f4641494c45440000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "message": "VM execution error."

There are two things that are important here:

  1. The call reverted
  2. The revert returned some data, revert with reason

With Geth/Ganache it is hard to determined if in fact the eth_call was a Revert. Luckily no one has ran into a bytes4 collision with 0x08c379a, yet…

Parity’s response alerts you to the fact that it did revert, though having to parse out the Reverted string to detect this is inconvenient. I am also not 100% convinced that this is an error case, but am happy to be convinced otherwise.

I would like to discuss this case behave similar to a eth_call success, but with the introduction of the status field. Status field behaves as expected with other JSONRPC calls:

status - 1 if this transaction was successful or 0 if it failed

Revert With Reason:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 16,
  "status": "0x00",
  "result": "0x08c379a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f5452414e534645525f4641494c45440000000000000000000000000000000000",


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 16,
  "status": "0x00",
  "result": "0x",

Successful call:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 16,
  "status": "0x01",
  "result": "0xcafe",

Standard error response:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1337,
    "error": {
        "code": -32000,
        "message": "Invalid Input"

I think adding status to the top-level result is a little too far outside the bounds of the JSONRPC 2.0 spec:

While the spec doesn’t expressly forbid adding new top-level fields, it doesn’t allow it either, and most JSONRPC parsers would at best ignore the status field and at possibly throw an error.

So, I think any solution to the problem needs to be JSONRPC 2.0 compliant. Parity’s “reverted” format is in-spec, but could be tweaked slightly to make it easier to parse:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 16,
  "error": {
    "code": -32015,
    "data": {
       "result": "0x",  // is the 0x08c379a... data useful? if so include it
       "status": "reverted",
    "message": "VM execution error: transaction reverted"

Alternatively, as you said, if reverting isn’t an error, the only real option is to make the eth_call result an object instead of a single string, but that will be a breaking change for many web3 libraries.

In hindsight, the result field for all RPCs should always be a complex object, so that fields can be added easily in the future. Perhaps that should be an EIP requirement for new methods going forward, but I think is too onerous to back port to the existing methods.

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copying from the PR description:

Note: There doesn’t appear to be any RPC-friendly API documentation standard, otherwise I’d be open to using that over markdown. Still, this EIP is meant to provide a human-readable RPC specification and isn’t necessarily meant to be program-readable or to drive other documentation tooling (though the markdown itself could drive tooling if desired).

My expectation is that if the RPC specification is only human readable, then it will quickly become outdated just like the current wiki. A human-readable spec relies on volunteers (client developers and users) to update the documentation, which is a laborious burden that people tend to grow tired of.

As a solution, I proposed a machine-readable spec (Universal specs for JSON-RPC API methods · Issue #217 · ethereum/EIPs · GitHub), and kickstarted the effort with a multi-client testrunner and proof-of-concept compatibility table: Ethereum client compatibility table

It was recently dusted off and run again on the the latest clients: run rpc-compat on the latest clients · Issue #119 · ethereum/hive · GitHub

Here’s a screenshot of the table:

It only has the JSON schema specs for a handful of rpc methods, so the main remaining todo is to add the rest. Additionally, I was planning to the description field in the json schema to auto-generate the wiki documentation. This way we would not be relying on volunteers to keep the documentation up to date. Rather, the testrunner automatically checks which clients are compatible with the spec, and the human-readable documentation is generated from the spec.


I totally support the idea that the spec should be machine readable. The human readable spec should be an output of the machine readable spec. The test results could be added to the human-readable machine-generated documentation.

I think this is a fine suggestion. Backporting or supporting older callers is possible but likely to be an extreme pain and disruption.

Here is a real example of where the inconsistencies causes errors in projects like Metamask. Inconsistencies in these error cases cause wild and unexpected behaviours.

"status": "reverted" I don’t particularly want to bikeshed on this but usually this is a hex value no?

eth_call is a simple way to validate a transaction has a chance of success before sending. So defining the failure case and standardising will help projects a lot.

Any thoughts on what to do about things in the ecosystem which hijack certain JSONRPC requests. For example, Metamask handles eth_sign but forwards all data fetching, though the responses can be different when going through Metamask versus a client directly.

Is it easy to add additional less conventional “clients” to this test suite?

As I have argued in the past, signers and clients should be separated! There is “the thing that signs stuff” and there is "the thing that sends/receives data from the blockchain. It is most unfortunate that the early Ethereum clients combined these two functionalities into the same API rather than keeping them as separate APIs.

I would love it if we could split the current API into two separate APIs, one for signing and one for fetching/submitting data from/to the blockchain. Some tools would fulfill both APIs, but having them separate would allow you to mix and match as appropriate.

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Agree and we can definitely see the carving up of responsibilities, its just at the library level right now. We do this in 0x.js and we encourage all developers to do this (via our developer docs and samples). Mix and match Ledger/Trezor/MM/Generic with a general JSONRPC data provider.

At the very least I think we can section them off and call it out in the JSONRPC spec/wiki. Do you have thoughts on what this would ultimately look like? I imagine their specs should follow similar behaviour (in terms of errors and layout of results).

I haven’t thought super deep on the implementation details. In general, anything that requires a private key to complete should be part of the signer API and antsything that requires chain interaction would be part of the other API.

This does get murky when you want to do things like verifiable signing UIs, because the signer needs chain access. In such cases I would argue that should be part of the signing API, as the signer can gracefully degrade if it doesn’t have chain access.

we have been working on a solution that is now at 1.0.0, it is akin to openapi but specifically designed for JSON-RPC.

here is the EIP PR

love to get some feedback and see how we can work to standardize JSON RPC descriptions.


@bitpshr How would one go about updating this specification? E.g. Just submit a PR modifying

@charles-cooper: That works for me. If you tag me in a PR, I’ll be sure to review it. I’m also open to adding an additional EIP maintainer to 1474 so I’m not the sole reviewer and don’t be come bottleneck.

I posted something similar to this in the EIP PR for discussion on OpenRPC, but can these OpenRPC documents be composed? i.e. if we had a standard set of documents “these OpenRPC files represent the standard eth_* RPCs for 1.0” can I then publish a document on my node that includes the standard RPCs and includes my server specific endpoint name?

My reason for asking is that a spec for this should not consist of “please use OpenRPC” but instead it should be “here are the standard OpenRPC mappings for EIP X, EIP Y, and EIP Z, they live at URLs A, B, and C, and here is a sample of MultiGeth composing those into one endpoint.” Otherwise this EIP is noting more than “OpenRPC is cool, please use it.”

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Yes! Excellently phrased. Same goes for GraphQL and anything else.

@bitpshr want to take another crack at making a separate JSON-RPC repo? I don’t have time to lead this process, but much like devp2p now has a separate repo to gather interested parties I think this would be valuable.

This one is basically empty and can be ready to go: GitHub - spadebuilders/ethereum-json-rpc-spec: Working group for the canonical JSON-RPC spec for Ethereum clients

But obviously any home base repo for the spec & related standards/implementations would work.

@shemnon I’ve added the entire openrpc.json for #1474 + #1436 and eth_getRawTransaciton* methods to the Pull Request here:

And to answer the question around composition, yes its possible, having relative paths is a bit of an edge case, but see my comment here:

I think that having 1 canonical EIP that contains ALL the methods will help get everyone on the same page, rather than breaking it out to separate files. The same way the #1474 gets updated. Any client can easily extend it.

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