EIP-7623: Increase Calldata Cost

Draft implementation in geth: [wip] core: implement eip-7623: increase calldata cost by MariusVanDerWijden · Pull Request #29040 · ethereum/go-ethereum · GitHub

One issue I came across is that the EIP is kinda underspecified wrt. the gas costs for contract creation vs normal transactions. A normal transaction costs 21000 + Tokencost * Tokens + evm_gas, a contract creation costs 53000 + Tokencost * Tokens + 2 * Initcode_Wordsize + evm_gas.

I’ve interpreted the EIP as follows:

tx.gasUsed = {
    21000 + 32000 * isContractCreation // 21000 or 53000
    max (
        STANDARD_TOKEN_COST * tokens_in_calldata + IsContractCreation * (InitCodeWordGas *  words(len(calldata))) + evm_gas_used,
        TOTAL_COST_FLOOR_PER_TOKEN * tokens_in_calldata

Where IsContractCreation is 1 if the transaction is a contract creation and 0 otherwise.

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